The Virus

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After the events that had occurred with Liam and Garett, Aurora had decided not to go to school today. She also felt like someone was watching her and that made her paranoid, The last time she was being watched she met a guy who killed her. Aurora also had a feeling in her gut that something big was going to happen but she was too in her own head to worry about that right now. 

As Aurora sat in the middle of a circle of candles her eyes closed as she tried to concentrate on her spell. Just as she was about to begin her chant her phone started to ring. The candles all extinguished as she picked up her phone. 

Yes, Deaton how can I help you? Aurora asks with false happiness.

Why need your help some of Satomi's pack has been affected by some sort of virus and Scott and the others are trapped at the school with the same virus spreading. It's only affecting the supernatural. We don't know what it is. Where at the hospital. Deaton says before hanging up. Aurora groans as she stands up and grabs her bag before making her way to her car. Aurora stops in her tracks when she sees a red rose on her windshield. She quickly throws it on the ground before muttering a quick-fire spell.  "Phasmatos incendia" . Once the rose was gone she got into her car and drove to the hospital. As Aurora drives off a man watches her from afar a bundle of red roses in his hand. 

Aurora arrived at the hospital quickly as she made her way towards the entrance a lady with brown hair came out.

Are you Aurora? the lady asks.

Yes. Aurora answered not knowing who this was. 

I'm Melissa, Scott's mom. Deaton told me to come get you. Melissa says leading Aurora through the hospital to the room where Deaton and Satomi's pack is. 

Satomi, what happened? Aurora asks as she walks in. She noticed a male dead on the bed with black blood on him that smelt terrible to her, and Brett and Lori at the other side of the room.

My pack has been infected by a virus. Satomi says looking at Aurora. 

You said there's an outbreak at the school too. Aurora asks looking at Deaton who nods at her. How long ago did he die? She asks again. 

A few minutes ago he died in the elevator. Brett says as he comforts a sad Lori. Aurora walks over to the body looking over his body. Aurora grabs a small vile from her bag and opens it before casting a small spell. 

"Les lames colligo. Ad me gluttuli". Aurora says moving her hand that's not holding the open vial in an upward motion as the black blood moves into the vial. Aurora closes the vial full of black blood. Aurora turns around to see all of them staring at her. What? Aurora asks as she puts the vial of blood in her bag. Derek then comes into barges into the room. 

Scott and the others aren't doing good. He says 

Well, then I guess we better get to work. Aurora says looking at Deaton. Aurora takes a seat at the table with the black blood. Deaton goes and starts to inspect the body. 

Satomi, it might be best if you take Brett and Lori out of the room for this. Deaton says 

No, I want to stay. Brett says with Lori agreeing with him. 

Aurora smells the blood. She doesn't smell wolfbane in the blood meaning the chemist had to make this virus using a different poison towards werewolves in it. Deaton is looking at the beta's brain with Satomi near him. Derek is on his phone checking for any updates on the pack. Lori and Brett are next to Aurora watching her work as she searches for any type of poison towards wolves. 

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