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If Aurora was in Harry Potter; 

House: Ravenclaw

2nd House: Slytherin 

Blood Status: Pureblood or Half-Blood

Wand: 9 1/2 in Ashwood, Phoenix Feather, Quite Flexible 

Patronus: Bat (The bat is considered an unusual patronus to have by Pottermore, and that seems to be the case outside it as well. Few take to the bat, and the bat takes to few people in turn. Bats tend to gravitate strongly to their own sort, and are very social within their circles. They are often misunderstood or even feared by others, but this is rarely warranted. They are sensitive individuals with excellent intuition and a keen knack for divining what is really happening. Bats are seekers of truth, and will attempt to adhere to honesty in all things, at all times. They will not take anything by half. Steeped in mythology regarding visions and dreams, those who live with the bat as their patronus may have found themselves being called upon by others for guidance or to see the heart of a matter.)

Boggart: Dimitri at first, then to the ones she loves and cares for dead

Side of War: Order of the Phoenix

If Aurora was in PJO;

Camp: Camp Half Blood 

Godly Parent: Hecate (Cabin 20)

Side of War: Percy's side  

*I promise I'm working on the next chapter it will come out this week . I'm also looking for new shows and movie to watch so any recommendations 

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