Late Night Stalking

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Aurora was sitting at her desk doing homework, while Brett was lounging on her bed bored out of his mind. Taylor Swift was softly playing in the background. 

"Are you done yet?" Brett asks in a whiny tone looking over towards Aurora who was writing down her answers.

"You asked that five minutes ago. And five minutes ago I gave you the same answer. Not Yet." Aurora answers smiling slightly at Brett's tone. 

"But it's been an hour already." Brett complains turning over so he can bury his face in Aurora's pile of pillows. 

"Yes, it has been. But I would already be done by now if you hadn't been interrupting my train of thought every 5 minutes." Aurora answers the pouty werewolf. "But in about 1 second I am all your's." Aurora says as she finishes answering the last question. Aurora then stood and walked over to her bed where Brett was currently sulking. She moves closer poking his cheek. Before she could say anything Brett sits up grabbing her and dragging her onto the bed with him. Aurora laughs as Brett attacks her face with kisses as they cuddle. 

"Ok, ok. Brett." Aurora laughs as Brett kisses all over her face before finally landing on her lips. Aurora and Brett begin to make out when they hear her window open up followed by a high-pitched scream. 

"AHhh! Sorry sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt whatever was going on." Stiles who had just climbed through Aurora's window said.

"Stiles What the Fuck!" Aurora yells sitting up from the bed. Brett groans as he falls back down at being interrupted. "Did you just climb throw my fucking window?" Aurora asks looking pissed

"In my defense, you should lock you're windows" Stiles says putting his hands up. "I'm on the second story. Wait how did you even get up here?" Aurora asks standing up. "I brought a latter." Stiles says putting his arms in front of his face in case Aurora decides to smack him. "Ohhh, I should sma-" "Uhhh, a little help here." Another voice calls out. "Everyone turns to see Liam struggling to climb into the window. Aurora rushes over helping Liam through the window.

"You brought Liam. What are you even doing here." Aurora asks giving a pointed look at Stiles. Liam walks over taking a seat on Aurora's bed to watch the fight that was so to come. Brett sits up as well to watch.

"We are going to go a spy on Theo." Stiles says smiling at Aurora.

"You mean. You going to go and stalk Theo and you decided to bring Liam into you're little scheme." Aurora corrects giving Stiles an unimpressed look. "He offered to join me." Stiles says in defense.

"Liam!" Aurora says looking at Liam. Liam looks down like a child who has been caught by their mother. 

"Look we could use your help. Theo just left his house and was on his way somewhere. Are you in?" Stiles asks 

"No, I am not helping you Stalk the cute new boy. End of Discussion!" Aurora yells 

"I can't believe I agreed to this." Aurora grumbled as Brett, her, Liam, and Stiles walk through the woods. Liam had his scent while Aurora gave them light with her magic. The only reason Aurora was out here was because Stiles knew Liam was her weakness and used that against her. Liam had given her his puppy dog eyes causing her to agree. Brett also decided to tag along to meet this Theo guy who Aroura had called cute. 

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