Time of Death

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Aurora had been in a state of paranoia since she came home to the message and roses in her room. She had completely turned her house inside out looking for anything missing, out of place, or left behind from her intruder. Aurora was cleaning the mess she made when her phone started to ring. Picking it up she saw it was Scott calling her. 

Scott now's not a good time. Aurora says

I'm sorry but I found out how to catch the Benefactor. Scott says.

How? Aurora asks walking towards her car keys and bag.

I will explain in person. Could you meet us at my place? Scott asks.

Yeah, I can when. Aurora asks  

Now, and could you possibly pick up Liam and Brett they want to help. Scott asks

No problem see you soon. Aurora says before hanging up the phone. 

Aurora first picked Liam up at his place before speeding off to where she would pick up Brett. 

What's wrong? Liam asks her suddenly 

What do you mean what's wrong Liam? Aurora asks glancing toward the beta. 

I mean you smell off. Liam says before realizing that it came out wrong. No, I mean your emotions I can smell that your emotions are off. Liam stammers but stops when he hears Aurora trying to suppress her laugh. 

Thank you, a laugh is just what I needed Liam. Aurora says before focusing her mind back on the road. Liam watched her side a faint blush on his cheeks.

No problem. He says before tearing his eyes away from her and out the passenger window. 

Aurora parks the car on the side of the road by the woods as she and Liam wait for Brett to arrive. Aurora pulled her phone out to text Scott that they would be there soon when Brett showed up and knocked on the passenger side window scaring Liam. Aurora unlocks her door and Brett gets into the back as Aurora drives towards Scott's place. 

Aurora, Liam, Brett, Scott, Stiles, and Kira stand around Scott's kitchen with three laptops as Stiles describes how idiotic the pan was which Aurora agrees with. Aurora could not stop taking glances at Kira as she looked very similar to her mother. 

There is another way to fake your death. Aurora says looking over Stiles's shoulder towards the Laptop. 

How? Stiles asks turning his head to look at Aurora.

Magic. Aurora says smirking. 

Ok, is there a fake you're death spell? Stiles says sarcastically. Is there? He asks after a moment. 

Not exactly but combing two spells could give the illusion of death. Aurora says taking a step back and looking towards Scott. Brett and Liam were staring at her waiting for her to elaborate. 

If I do a sleeping spell, making you go into a deep slumber then cast another spell that gives me direct control of you're heart I can keep you alive but make it seem like your heart has stopped. Aurora explains. 

That could work. Kira says. How long can you keep it up? She asks 

As long as my concentration doesn't break I can keep it for as long as you need.

Trust her she knows what she's doing. Noshiko Yukimura says walking into the kitchen. Long time no see Aurora. Noshiko says smiling at Aurora.

It has been a while, I see you have a daughter. Aurora says walking over and hugging Noshiko.

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