Same Type

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"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping... It was a real disorder. It was night terrors." Lydia was explaining what was going on with Tracey to the group outside of the High School. 

"Well, now she's the night terror. Especially since no one can find her." Stiles says. Aurora raises her hand before speaking up. " Who's Tracey again." But of course, she was ignored.

"Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable..." Scott says before turning towards Mason. " Except for you."

"Oh, I'm sorry-- this is all just mind-blowing. You're a Kitsune! I don't even know what that is! And... And Aurora you're a Vampire-Witch Hybrid. THATS SO COOL!" Mason says completely astonished. 

"Ehh, Not really." " I'm still learning." Kira and Aurora say at the same time. 

"Liam, we said you could tell him, not invite him to the inner circle!" Stiles hisses at Liam while pointily looking at  Mason. Aurora rolls her eyes at Stiles as she tries to recall any memory of this Tracey that they need to find. 

"Uh, I'm in the inner circle?" Mason asks 

"NO!" Liam and Stiles yell at the same time. 

" Guys, look, back to Tracy. She's just one lone wolf-- we can find her." Scott says. Aurora again decides to speak up. "Hi, First I don't know who Tracey is. Second are you all forgetting I can track someone with a spell." Aurora says with a strain smile. 

"You would know who she was if you answered your phone last night." Stiles retorts. Lydia pulls out her phone showing Aurora a picture of Tracey. 

"Cute, and I was busy." Aurora says looking at the picture then at Stiles. 

"One lone cute, serial-killing wolf..." Malia says

"Uh, she only killed one person, you know? The other two were mauled. And if anyone was a serial killer we should look to the blood sucker blondie over there giving me the death stare and who apparently can't pick her phone up for something important." Stiles sassily says. 

"I was busy doing.... Homework," Aurora says. "Oh, I didn't know Brett Talbot was considered Homework now forgive m- OW!" Stiles yells as Aurora sent a little shock towards Stiles. 

"Umm, can we please get back on track. Tracey!" Lydia asks as she tries to hid her laughter. 

"All right, what do we do when we catch her?" Stiles asks 

" I say we put her down." Malia says. "We could look through her mind to find out what's going on." Aurora suggests. 

"Intense." Mason mumbles. 

"Guys, lets concentrate on catching her, first. We'll figure out the rest later. Aurora what do you need?" Scott asks as the others begin to grab there stuff to get to class. 

"Blood and Map." Aurora says before heading to her class. 

Aurora was sitting in class listening to the teacher lecture when she heard Liam's voice.
"She's here. She's in history class right now. Tracy, she's here." Liam whispers from afar. "shit" Aurora mumbles as she raises her hand. 

"May I use the restroom." She asks. As soon as the teacher said yes she was out of the class heading towards where Liam was.

"Hey, you're hurting me..." Was the first thing Aurora heard when she entered the classroom. She quickly went over to where Tracey and the other girl she was holding onto was. Aurora grab the girls arm as she tried to get her out of Tracey's grip. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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