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So you're going to Mexico to rescue Scott and Kira? Brett asks from Aurora's bed as he watches Aurora pack a bag with clothes and other things.

Yep. Aurora says questioning if she should pack a silver knife or not.

Can you bring me back a souvenir? Lori asks poking her head in Aurora's room. 

Lori. Brett says sending his little sister a look.

What. Lori asks 

It's not really that type of trip, but  I will try and bring you back a souvenir. Aurora says smiling as she packs some wolfsbane into her bag. 

Thanks. Lori says heading to the room she and Brett share. Brett falls onto the bed with a dramatic sign.

Don't be too sad. Once I get back we can have that date. Aurora says walking towards the pouting werewolf. Plus I won't be gone that long. She says poking his cheek and smiling. Brett closes his eyes before pulling Aurora down to the bed with him causing her to let out a small scream. 

What are you doing? Aurora asks as Brett pulls her closer to him. 

Cuddling with you. Brett says like it was the most obvious thing. 

You're such an idiot. Aurora says before her phone started ringing. 

Who is it? Brett mumbled his head on top of Aurora's head. 

Pretty sure it's Stiles needing me to do something. Aurora says as she lifts her hand so her phone can fly to her without her needing to get up. 

Cool. Brett mumbles placing a kiss on top of her head as she answers the phone.

Hello, Stiles, I thought we were meeting up later. Aurora asks placing Stiles on speaker.

Yeah, we are but, do you think you can do a spell to track Scott and Kira like you did to Liam on the full moon? Stiles asks 

Yeah, sure just bring me an object or something that belongs to Kira and Scott. Aurora says 

Great meet at Derek's Loft in an hour. Bye. Stiles says hanging up.

So you have about an hour? Brett says pulling Aurora closer to him, and closing his eyes.


What the hell is he doing here Stiles? Aurora yelled as soon as she saw Liam standing in the van looking around. 

Ok, don't be mad. He insisted that he come along. Stiles says lifting his hands to cover his face in case Aurora punches him. Not like his hands will help him due to her superstrength and magic.

You do realize it's going to be a full moon right? And I'm not going to track Liam all through Mexico if he loses control and runs off. Aurora says staring at Stiles who puts his hands down very slowly. 

Hey, if everyone's set I say we hit the road. Peter yells. 

Is really coming. Aurora asks looking at Peter.

Yes, and we can't leave yet. Not without Lydia. Stiles calls out as he walks over to the overs Aurora following after.

Where is she then? Peter asks annoyed

She's at the school. Stiles says. 

What's she doing at the school, anyway? Derek asks looking at Stiles. 

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