Bonfire Attack

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Aurora walks through the halls of Beacon Hills High with Mason and a distracted Liam.

Are you going to the bonfire? Mason asks Liam who is staring straight ahead lost in thought. Aurora nudges Laim's side snapping him out of his thoughts.

What? Liam asks looking at Aurora 

Mason asked if you were going to the bonfire tonight. Aurora said motioning to Mason who was looking at him expectantly. 

Uh, oh yay all Lacross members have to go. Liam said as Aurora saw someone out of the corner of her eyes.

Hey, umm I will see you two later I forgot I had to stop by my math class to talk to the teacher about something. Aurora said walking away from the two boys.

Aurora walked outside the school and looked around not finding anyone. She thought that the paranoia had finally gotten to her as she made her way to her car, not planning on staying at school for the rest of the day. 

When Aurora got home she texted Scott to keep an eye on Liam since he seemed off then texted Brett saying she's excited for the bonfire tonight.  She then puts her phone down and heads to a hidden closet in her house. 

In the closet was A vervain plant and a bunch of wooden stakes. The vervain plant was being sustained by her magic so it wouldn't die. She had promised to give some of the plant to Stiles telling him it could stop other vampires from compelling people if worn, as well as burn vampires if in direct contact with the plant. She put some gloves on and started picking some of the vervain putting it into a bag to give to Stiles at a later date.  She also picked a few extra and placed them in a container to make something later. 

Later Aurora was crushing up the vervain and putting them into a pot of boiling water. Once the plant was fully dissolved Aurora grabbed an empty pepper spry bottle and carefully filled it with the vervain concation. She sprayed her arm with the bottle to test if it worked. As soon as the spry hit her arm it burned her. Aurora hissed in pain before quickly casting a healing spell then closed the bottle and put it in her bag. Aurora looks at the time seeing it's almost time for the bonfire so she starts to get ready to leave. 

The bonfire was in full swing. Teens were dancing around and getting drunk. Brett and Aurora were dancing together and laughing.

So how have you been? Brett asked loudly to overpower the loud music.

Brett, I have superhearing and so do you. You don't need to try and overpower the music. Aurora said laughing a bit.

Yeah, I guess you're right. But how are you? Brett asked twirling Aurora around causing her to laugh. 

I have been fine since the last time you saw me, how about you? How's Lacross going? Aurora asked holding on to Brett as they swayed to the music despite it being upbeat. 

Lacross is good. I hate to break this to you but we're going to kick Beacon Hill's ass again this year. Brett said smirking. 

Yeah, yeah, pretty boy. We will see. I think Liam and Scott will have you eating your words. Aurora said giving him a smirk back before Brett seemed to trip a bit on his feet as the music continued to blare. 

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