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Aurora walked through the halls since it was a free period till she was stopped as Stiles called out to her.

"Hey. Hey. Wait up." Stiles calls out as he runs to catch up to her. "I need your help." Stiles says standing in front of her.

"I have a free period." Aurora says, trying to convince Stiles that she would like to be left alone. 

"Yeah, I know. Now you can come with me and Scott to question Theo." Stiles says grabbing Aurora's wrist to pull her along with him. Aurora allows Stiles to pull her along as they meet up with Scott. 

"I was skating in a neighbor's empty pool, trying to do a handplant. Nobody was home. I'm not that good of a skateboarder, but I guess I was feeling pretty determined because I completely lost track of time. I didn't even realize that it was night until the yardlights came on. Like I said, I wasn't very good. On my last try, I went down and hit hard-- really hard. I was sitting there at the bottom of the pool, and I realized something... I never heard the board come back down. It came at me fast. I barely had a chance to turn around before it bit me, right here." Theo says recalling how he began a werewolf.

"It wasn't an accident-- he wanted to turn you." Scott realizes. 

" Right. So, why aren't you part of his pack, then? Why didn't he come back for you?" Stiles replies skeptically. 

" Because by the time of my first full moon, he was dead." Theo tells them. 

 "How did you know that?" Stiles asks

"Stiles" Aurora says as a warning 

" I met another one of his pack a couple of weeks later. He told me the Alpha that bit me was killed by two of his own Betas. They were twins..... Scott, listen to my pulse-- I'm telling the truth. Theo pleads 

 Right, or you just know how to steady your heart rate while you're lying your ass off. Aurora can spell you to say nothing but the truth you know. Stiles says

"There's no truth spell but there's a potoin." Aurora informs him

"Aurora can make a potion to make you say nothing but the truth you know." Stiles says fixing his saying to match what Aurora said. Aurora just rolled her eyes at Stiles's stupidity.

"Why would I lie?" Theo asks 

" Because maybe, you're not who you say you are." Stiles exclaims 

"Okay. In the fourth grade, you had an inhaler. I had one, too. I remember this day when I ended up in the nurse's office with an asthma attack-- a bad one. I was waiting to be taken to the ER. You were waiting for the principal. You told me what would happen when you go to the ER for asthma. They give you oxygen, an IV of prednisone. You made it sound easy like everything would be okay. I've been by myself this whole time. Everybody knows that lone wolves, don't make it on their own. I swear, I'm that same kid from fourth grade. I was hoping you are, too." Theo says 

"Look my free period is ending so can we wrap this up? Theo doesn't have a pack and wants to come into Scott's pack. And Stiles doesn't trust him. Ok, good. Great I need to go." Aurora says before running off so she can have some peace till her class starts. 

"Oh my god. I know he's not who he says he is but come on I wanted to call and talk to Brett." Aurora mumbles as she heads to her class.

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Aurora is done with Stiles already and he still hasn't dragged her into his crazier ideas. 
If you want some spoilers and edits of this story go check out my TikToK:

Also sorry for such a short chapter. 

I don't own Teen Wolf only my OC and their plot

All Teen Wolf rights go to Jeff Davis

Thank you for reading

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