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The days after the Bonfire, Aurora Hamilton was MIA. She didn't answer any calls or texts from anyone. She didn't answer Liam's text asking her for help with the History Homework. She didn't answer Stiles's countless messages asking her questions about vampires and other supernatural creatures she encountered. And she didn't answer any of Brett's good morning, or how are you doing text.  Everyone was worried, especially Brett. They didn't think anything too bad, thinking she might be doing her witchy thing as Stiles put it. The real worry started when she didn't show up to school the following Monday. 

Liam was the first to bring up his concerns.

Has anyone heard from Aurora, since the Bonfire? She hasn't answered any of my texts and she didn't show up at school today. Liam asks the pack as they sit eating lunch. Stiles looks up with food in his mouth quickly swallowing before answering.

No, I have been texting her too and she hasn't answered. I just thought she was doing her witchy thing during the weekend but now I'm not too sure.

Have you asked Brett? They are close maybe he's heard from her. Lydia the logical asks before jumping to conclusions. 

No. Liam mumbled not happy to hear Brett's name at all. 

Or Satomi. They have known each other for a while maybe she may have seen or heard from Aurora. Lydia said as she looked around the table.  

Yeah, we can go after school to ask them if seen, or heard from Aurora. Scott says as the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. 

After school Scott, Liam, and Stiles went to find Satomi's pack. The others were unable to come due to dealing with the Deadpool. As soon as They arrived Brett ran out of the house with a smile, looking around. His smile dropped when he saw it was only Scott, Liam, and Stiles. 

Where's Aurora? Brett asks looking sad.

That's why we came here. We were wondering if you had heard from her. Scott asks as Satomi walks out with Lori behind her. 

What are you saying, she's missing. Do you think the hunters got to her? Brett asks, causing Stiles to chuckle at the suggestion of Aurora being taken out by hunters.

Please, she can beat all of us with the lift of her finger, I don't think the hunters stand a chance against her. Stiles says.

Stiles is right, Aurora is very powerful, and her power grew over the many years she has been alive for. However, she is not at full power due to her animal-only diet. Satomi says walking to stand by Brett.  Have you all checked her house? Satomi asked. The three boys shake their heads causing Satomi to sign. Well, go on and check. Satomi said. And Brett, be careful if you go with them. Brett, Liam, Scott, and Stiles get in the jeep and drive to the place where Aurora lives. 

When the 4 arrived at the large house they immediately noticed something was off. The ones with high senses could instantly smell blood, as well they could tell the door was forced open. When they walked in all they saw was broken wood and glass all over the place, with blood splatter on the broken wall. Stiles quickly took his phone out and began taking pictures of the "crime scene" as the others stared at him.

What, evendence. Stiles says seeing the looks his friend and the other two werewolves were giving him. 

OK, so detective what do you think happened here? Brett asked as he looked around. 

Well, it's obvious. Another supernatural creator came and took her. My bet is on another vampire seeing as there is a wooden leg covered in blood. Stiles says lifting the broken wooden leg covered in blood. 

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