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I thought this event is going to be boring but giving so called Mr. Rudra Pratap Rathore befitting answers is fun.
Hearing my last remark, he must be offended but do I care, No, A big fat No.

Before he can reply his mother came and introduced me to him and seeing his face after he came to know who I am, his face was worthy to be seen.

As soon as my mom came, tables got turned. It's now me who is in shock.
I should give them an appropriate reply but no, what I did, I just leave that place and everyone.

Because I knew if I replied, then situation will not be in control. So I chose to leave.
But I know my family will be waiting for me,
As they got the best way to get me out of their life.

(Time skip)

I am chilling in my room, and it's pin drop silence in the entire villa. But guess what it's the peace before the stotm, and I am preparing myself for that Storm.

Soon my mom screamed from the top of lungs, like man you can speak slow or maybe ask any servant to call me no need to scream, huhh.
"Vaani, where the hell are you, come in the living room now. I infact, we all want to talk to you about the stunt you pulled in the event. Just come fast, don't you try to test my patience."

" Which stunt you are talking about, the one I pulled, like seriously, you are the one who pulled the stunt. Who in this universe asked you to say yes on my behalf for that proposal. I just don't want to marry any guy. Why can't you all understand this simple thing? No one I repeat, no one can force me to marry the one whom I am not willing to, put this thing in your little pretty brain." I said while descending the stairs. And I ended up standing right infront of my mother with my hands folded near my chest. They genuinely need to understand this, as it is the high time.

Everyone in the family is seeing the drama but no one decided to take stand for me and why would they, they don't even care if I am alive or not, huhh..
"Vaani, this is not the way to talk to your mom. Apologise to her right now. And the answer to your question is we are your parents and we have the right to choose the groom for you. And you have to marry him no matter you are willing to or not. Marrying you to him, will lead to profit in our buisness only and it will also beneficial for your so called company which you started by using Singhania's name."
My father said this, as expected he always care for his profit and benefits but my company doesn't come under Singhania's, why do they always have to poke their nose in my company and its profit or loss. I can decide it on my own too.

"Dad, first you don't know what the topic is, what your so called wife has done. So please stay out of this. And let me remind you that I am the owner of 'khwaish' and it doesn't come under Singhania's so you better not poke your nose in my matters."

Author's POV:

As soon as Vaani ended a loud sound of slap echoed into the living area, it was none other than her mother who slapped her hard making the fingerprints on her cheek but she didn't stopped, and again slapped her on the other cheek. Feeling so much pain, Vaani came on the verge of breakdown, but our girl is strong, she said,
"You always slaps me when you don't have answers to my questions. And if you are not satisfied yet, you can slap me again, but this time I am not going to bend infront of you all. I am not going to marry that 'Rudra Pratap Rathore', and you can do whatever you want to but you can't force me this time."
Hearing the answer every one in hall is shocked and surprised. Because the Vaani they know never argues after receiving a slap from her mother but the one they are witnessing right now is somebody else.

"Vaani, you are marrying Rudra and that's final. Any single word against these and you will thrown out of the Singhania's property and all your shares will be taken away from you and our agreement with 'khwaish' will declared out of order right from the moment you denied for the alliance so think wisely." Hearing her father Vaani gasped she knows that her father can do anything but she didn't expected him to bring professional life in personal things.

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