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Vaani's POV:

I am hell a shocked after witnessing all the things happened, the flower shower, bouquet and then that note.

As, I was unable to process anything so I just went straight to my room.

As I entered, I am more shocked on seeing Rudra on my bed. I somehow managed to ask him," what are you doing here and how you manage to come in?"

"Aww, my Jaan you are so cute, but why you always ask so many questions?" While saying this he got up from the bed and started moving towards me and before completing he was standing so close to me that I almost forgot to breathe.

He look so hot in this casual white shirt and black joggers. I was almost gawking at him but soon i noticed a proud smirk on her face.

"Jaan stop it" he said in his dark intimidating voice, making a shiver run through my spine.

Before I could respond, I was pinned to walk. He was holding both of my hands above my head with his one hand and his other hand was on my throat holding it hard enough but not to choke me.

Soon I was still and came back from the delusions. His hand started moving from my throat to my bare waist.

While giving me sensations, he whispered, " you are becoming a drug for me, I can't control myself when you are present near me." Then he groans, like literally he groaned I never ever imagined something like this will ever happen to me.

He suddenly detaches himself from me. I got irritated a bit. Yes, I know it's not the way what I am supposed to be but seeing my reaction he smirked teasingly and said," if you want something then you can ask for it there is no need to make such faces, my Jaan."

Hearing his remark, I just grabbed him by his collar and placed my lips on his cold ones and kissed him. He didn't expected me to do this, and was taken back for a moment but soon started kissing me back.
He infact started dominating me. He pushed me towards the wall and asked to open my mouth but when I didn't his hands started moving towards my south and he started playing with my clit and that's when a moan left my mouth, as he took this chance and entered his tongue and started tasting every inch of me.

Soon we are separated from each other panting heavily and he just hugged me close to him like if he will leave me i would be disappear somewhere.

"You taste like heaven, but never you try to dominate me, otherwise you won't like the consequences." He said breaking the hug.
As we heard someone calling for me.


I don't have any freaking control in myself. I am just getting more attracted towards her. But here I am seeing all her reactions to what I planned only for her.

When I was just seeing her being shocked, happy, a bit sad. I got distracted as I got a call and it's from my best friend, why he wants to disturb me right now.

As I picked up the call, he bombarded all his questions, "Buddy, what the hell is wrong with you, you are fucking getting married and you said to me all the life you will never in this lifetime getting married and here you planned a surprise for a girl who is your soon to be wife, the same girl who threw a blank cheque on your face. Rudy, I know that I said don't take it on heart but I didn't said that go and get married to her Immediately. I know I was teasing you that she exactly like you in every means and you both will make a best pair..."

Before he can continue more I cut him off and said, "Hey take a breath and hear me out, there is nothing such that I like her or anything, I am just getting married because my mother wants me too and my mother technically blackmailed to marry her and also to give her a appropriate proposal and pamper her with flowers. So it would be better if you don't make my anything in your mind."

"You can explain me, but what about her how you are going to explain her all this because she thinks you love her." Darsh said.

"I don't even want her to know, for now, otherwise she won't marry me and if that happened my mom will get sad and she will lose all her hope of me getting married." I said.

"Rudra, you are destroying her life by marrying her just for your mother's happiness, but I know eventually you will fall for her too." He said.

"I don't fucking care about anyone other than my mom and if you called me for these nonsense than bye." I said in cold and rude way. I disconnected the call and plopped on her bed.

As soon as I ended the call, she entered the room and seeing me on her bed, she became more shocked.

But still she is checking me out, making me go all awkward....., I guess.

But as she was busy checking me out in came close to her and pinned her to the nearest wall. As I was going to kiss her but backed off suddenly realising she might regret it later. She got irritated by my this move and I didn't understand why. But she want to kiss she can, I don't have any problem with it.

And she slammed her lips on mine. And I felt like everything getting disappeared. She tasted like heaven, the most awesome thing in the entire universe is happening with me right now.

But she can't dominate me, not in relationship and also not in bed even after marriage.

After our kissing session ended. I just hugged her close to me bcos it felt the most best thing to do right now.

But someone called her I guess it is her mother only. " Vaani, your father is calling you for showing that all the evidence and proof are all undisturbed so you won't blame us after marriage, that we didn't took care of deal properly."

As she ended, I was shocked and the only question in my mind is about what evidences she is talking.

I asked "What evidences she is talking about and what it has to do with our marriage?"

Hello lovelies ❤️❤️,
How you all doing, I know that I updated too much late but my exams are coming and I was unable to balance both.

So updates are going to be bit irregular
I am sorry for it.

Insta I'd : vani_ka2060

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Lots of love and wishes to you all❤️❤️❤️

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