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Author's POV:

Rudra went up and went near her and took her in his embrace. He was just rubbing her back trying to calm her down.

He doesn't know what is going on in her mind and what happened with her in the past all he knew was that she was adopted by Singhania's. What happened to her before and after it, he doesn't have any idea about.

He is getting tensed by every passing second. He can't even ask her the reason and he can't even see her in this condition. She needs sleep but she is unable to.

He was sitting there quietly comforting her.
Unaware of the storm inside her. Soon she fell into sleep in his embrace finding the comfort and solace which she needed the most.

He was sitting there in the same position without even moving a bit so it wouldn't disturb her sleep but something came up in his mind and he got up and put her on bed and tucked her properly before going.

He went to brought his laptop, charger and files and as soon as he returned he saw her and his heart ached so badly all the things in his hand fell down and he ran towards her.

She was shivering badly and and mumbling, "please don't do this, please don't hurt him, please, please don't do this to him, please, please...."

He took vaani in his embrace again and tried to calm her down and wake her up, but she was not waking up neither calming down. He just hugged her tightly and after some time she got sober and was again sleeping peacefully.

This time Rudra didn't even moved a bit, as he has seen what happened when he left her just for some seconds.

Vaani's POV:

The lights from the windows are peeking inside making me open my eyes.
I tried to move but I am unable to do so, I noticed I am cuddling him.

How is that even possible? Why am I cuddling him. What will he think after seeing this? I tried to remember what happened before I slept and all could got is i was working and he made me sleep forcefully and when I was unable to sleep he just hugged and caressing my back.

What happened after that I don't remember anything. Maybe I slept in his embrace only.
This the first time after that incidence that I have slept so peacefully that also in flight.

He gives me different kind of warmth. I had a fever last night due to fear but right now, I am feeling so good and all fine.

But now I have to wake up as I wouldn't look good if Abhi and Abhay saw us like this.
I tried to move his hand which was in my waist but all my trials got wasted as he is way too heavy.

I finally decided to wake him up.
"Rudra.., wake up, Rudra, wake up na."

He groaned in his sleep while I continued to wake him up,
"Rudra, it's morning now, wake up."
He opened his eyes and looked at me and said, "Jaana, you are awake. How are you feeling now. Last night you were shivering way too much. I got so tensed and in sleep also you were panicking and mumbling..."

Before he could continue I sat up as his hold on me loosened and cut him off, " Rudra I am alright now. See, all fit and fine. Now don't worry."

"Thank God, you scared the shit out of me." He also sat up and sighed in relief.

"Rudraa..., what's this condition of the room. Your laptop and all the files are scattered on the floor. Tell me what happened last night."
As I was about to get off the bed. I noticed the condition of the room.

"Actually, after you slept when I was hugging you. I went to bring my files here, but when I was at the door, you were shivering badly and I guess you were having panick attack. So I left all the things there only and again hugged you." He said so innocently and with a bit of hesitation.

I just nodded and started picking up all the things from the floor. When I heard him again, "Jaana, I was saying that.... Nothing let it be."

"Rudra, speak up what's the matter. I will help you out." I insisted him to speak up

"Jaana, I know that if you wanted to tell me you would had. But, you didn't, I understand, but it just makes me way too much worried about you. Please, don't be mad at me." He said with tons and tons of hesitation in his voice.

I don't know why but it made me chuckle.
"Rudra, listen come here. I understand you are worried about me but don't."
I said softly but at the end my voice turned cold and my deadpanned face was back.

First he is faking all this love and care and now trying to take my secrets out so, he can use it against me, like everyone else did it with me.

The only person whom I trusted and loved was also snatched from me. After that whomever I tried to love always ditched me or used my past against me. Now, I am not able to love anyone.

"Jaana, I am...." He tried to say something but I cut him off.
"Mr. Rudra Pratap Rathore, please don't fake all this I know that you want to make my life hell. That day you proposed to me just because you know that I am never going to agree for this marriage if you forced me." I said in the cold voice.

"Jaana, now you have to listen to me." Rudra said clenching his fist.

"First don't call me that. And why I have to listen to everyone everytime just go away and leave me alone for sometime." I flinched at him.

I know I didn't wanted to reveal this soon that I knew about his intentions. But I can't keep my calm when someone tries to interfere in my past. I don't want to tell anybody anything about myself.

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Yours lovely author,

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