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Author's POV:

Today is their third day in Vegas and today is the day of meeting with Mr Richard the most successful architect but the worst person.

Vaani texted Rudra letting him know all the details of the meeting as Rudra is going to join her as her manager for a day.

Last night,

"Ru, there is no need to be my manager for one day." Vaani said coldly.

"Why can't I be the manager of my future wife?" He asked her in the same tone. The eye contact between them was so intense that if somebody's gaze can burn you than they most have been burnt now.

"But Rudra it is a professional thing and I like to keep my professional and personal life separate." Vaani said softly trying to make him understand

"Jaana, I am going to come with you as your manager or you are also not going and whatever loss will happen I will give you that." He argued back

"Rudra, it's not about money. Working with him also brings that experience and it will open all my doors for establishing khwaish in foreign countries." She said getting irritated by this discussion

"You are working with us and you can now also start establishing khwaish in foreign countries." He said with you know that look

"Rudra, if you remember then we are on a contract that khwaish is working only for your Indian branch and we can't show that work of ours to foreign clients." She started giving him reality checks

"I can change the contract for you." he said so casually as it wasn't against his ethics but for her he can do anything

"That's not possible" Vaani said knowing that he can do it

"It is. Only if you want." He said with a smirk as he knows where this conversation is going.

"But I want to work with Mr. Richard's company and about the contract we can discuss later."vaani said getting extremely irritated.

"Then I am your manager for Tomorrow, my lady" Rudra ordered in his authoritative voice.

"Okk fine." Vaani said with a done look on her face.
She tried to maintain her neutral face but that my lady surely make her fluttered.

(In present)

'I just hope everything goes fine. Ye meeting acche se ho jae, bhagwan.' thinking this in her mind she got off the car and stared at a tall building.

She is feeling as if she is starting a new company. Rudra came and held her hand and they walked in.

The receptionist greeted them and told them where the meeting is held.

They both went to the meeting room and entered inside. There was no one to be found. They took their places and started preparing the stuff.

After some time the door opened and a man in his late 40s entered the room.

They all greeted each other and the presentation started.

Soon the presentation ended and,
"The business proposal is all fine but what about the other things, Ms. Singhania." Mr. Richard said getting up from his seat and moving towards her.

But soon he was halted midway listening to a dark, threatening voice, "Watch your steps, otherwise you will regret every single step towards her."

"You are her manager so please don't interrupt us." Mr. Richard said to Rudra but seeing at his Darkened expression his voice came Out as mere whisper but enough for him to hear.

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