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Do read author's note at end there are some updates so do read it at end.

Author's POV:

Vaani invited Ahana to join them to sightsee and come to India with them. She at first hesitated a bit but being unable to deny her she agreed to Vaani which made chirp happily.

Ahana and Vaani wanted a girls' day out and they kept the proposal in front of all the other three. They didn't want the girls to go all alone.

"Rudra, please let us go alone on a day out. I promise we won't be in trouble and we are adults and we both are running successful companies and we can take care of ourselves." Vaani argued.

"Ok, you guys can have a day out. I don't have any problems and you don't have to ask me, you just need to order me and it's me who should always ask you." Rudra said so casually but hearing him Ahana went in awe seeing both the couples.

"Vaani, you are so lucky to have him in your life." Ahana whispered in Vaani's ear.

"It's not how it looks baby, I will tell you everything later on and before that don't make assumptions." Vaani whispered back.

Ahana didn't understand what she meant by this but she trusted her enough to let it go for now.

"Dii, you guys are not roaming around the city all alone and that's final." Abhi said.

"Your jiju, doesn't have any problem and the don't worry about family, I will manage them all." Vaani said in flat tone.

"But jiju...." Abhi was about to say something but got cut by Rudra
"You trust me or not."
"Yes I do."
"Then let them go."

Both the girls stromed out of the hall way and went straight to their room.
Then Abhi asked Rudra, "Jiju, why you let them go all alone that too in Vegas." In confusion.

"I hired a few guards to keep watch on them from far and they will update us about their whereabouts and we will stay in their 500m radius." Rudra told him.

I made an Oo face understanding him.
"Jiju, you are so smart. I hope my sister will get some good things from you."

"Your sister is more smart than me, she knows about this thing and many more stuffs like you both drank way too much and was hanging out with many strippers and many more things, do you want to know more?" Rudra said in a challenging and proud tone.

"Hhh...... How... You guys know about this? It is not as you are thinking we were just roaming around the city and drinking we didn't did anything wrong or inappropriate. I promise that we didn't did anything." Abhi said getting confused, scared and a bit ashamed.

"Chill, she is not going to say anything to anyone. She kept all your secrets safe with her. I don't know all of them I just know about this only." Rudra said calming him down.

While Abhi just hummed in response and went to the room where Abhay was still sleeping due to his hangover from last night.

"Vaani, can I ask you something?" Ahana asked her.
"Yes, go on girl." Vaani replied.
"Tell me, what you meant when you whispered those things in the hallway." She asked straightly.
"Ohh that, okk so you have to promise me that you are not going to talk about it to anybody." Vaani asked for assurance.
"Who will I tell all these things but okk, promise you that I will never tell anyone whatever you are going to tell me." She said dramatically.

"Fine so, do you remember things I told you back a long time?" Vaani asked her.
"Don't tell me he doesn't know about all that happened to you." Ahana asked hoping that he knows.
"Well........ No. I didn't told him any of it till now  as he doesn't need to know any of this. I going to leave him after two years of marriage." Vaani gave her complete truth.

"Vaani Singhania, you have gone completely crazy. The man there is madly in love with you Idk what is going on in your head but you won't get a man like him in your entire life and I am your bestfriend I have seen all of crushes and boyfriends and I can assure you that all that never fallen in place because you are destined with this incredible man. So, just put all these things out of your mind and have a happy life with him." Ahana almost screamed at her.

"I can't be happy after all that happened and  he is pretending to be in love he manipulated me in marrying him by faking a proposal and all this he is doing just to satisfy his male ego and I am also not dying to marry him. I am forced to marry him and I can't back off even after being self dependent. The my so called parents have all the evidence with them all intact and I want them at any cost." Vaani completed all in one go with a feeling of hurt and disappointment in her voice.

"Tell me everything from the beginning. I want to know everything how you both met and what happened after that." Ahana said with a need to know everything.

Vaani told her everything from how they met and all of that happened till now and meanwhile Ahana was still in shock not knowing how to respond that he bestfriend suffered all these things completely alone.

After Vaani completed she just took her in a bone crushing hug. After some time she let her go and hold both of her hands in her, looking deep into her eyes she said,
"Vanu, listen I agree it is hard for you to accept that now he is in love with you after all this but trust me that guy genuinely feels for you and is never going to hurt you and about what your parents are doing with you is completely wrong and now there is no need to worry about them and the proofs I am always going to be on your side no matter what happens, hmm?"
She completed with an assuring smile.
To which vaani just nodded and hugged her again.

After all Vaani also needs someone whom she can tell how she feels without having the fear of being judged.

Hello lovelies ❤️❤️,

So I updated after long timee i know but I got awesome ideas for new books and they will be up after this one.

One is slow burn romance and about other it is kinda mafia and a normal girl romance, he fell first kinda.

But rn i am working on this one only as soon many chapters are yet to come and many ups and downs are there in this book .

I know that it is a bit boring and smut is not there yet but trust the wait is worth it and soon the smut will be there and also the secret of Vaani will soon get unfold not before marriage.

So, abhi marriage wala track aaega iska baad so I can assure you will enjoy it.

Do vote and for voting there is hollow star shape button at lower left corner so just tap it. And guys share your reviews it can help me to improve my writing and know about how you all are feeling about the characters

That's it for today and next chapter jaldi jaldi a jaega dw.

Your's lovely,

ISHQ SUFIYAAN Where stories live. Discover now