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Vaani's POV:

"Janna, I know everything that's related to you."

He said with pride on his face and a lazy smile appeared on mine.

"Rudra, you don't know everything about me."

I completed it with a blank face and his expressions changed from chirpy to serious ones.

Is there anything that I should know but I don't know yet.

He asked and I tried to read his eyes but they are showing no emotions, nothing at all and this sent chills down my spine.

"There are many things that you don't know but there isn't need for you to know them."

He didn't said aur asked anything further.
Today we are leaving back to Mumbai.
Both Abhi and Abhay are extending their trip but me, Rudra and Ahana are going back.

Ahana and I have something to take care of and Rudra doesn't want to stay without me.
I don't understand why he is behaving like this when it comes to me.

We all landed. Ahana and I are about to leave directly to my appartment and Rudra said all of sudden,

"If you both don't mind can I stay at your place for some days?"

I was shocked hearing it and a frown formed on my face. The innocence on his face is something which is too fake like he is not at all innocent.

"Rudra, don't you have a company to handle?"

"I have but I can go to company from there too."

The face that Ahana made after hearing him  as she just decided to give up everything and if he said anything further she will kill him right now.

"Rudra, No you can't stay with us. We want girls time and no interference."

I said and he just nodded sulking like a cute little baby which he clearly isn't.

Ahana and I went to my apartment and after seeing my apartment she just hugged and started crying. I was shocked seeing this sudden change in her behaviour but I made her sit and drink some water.

"Anu, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"Vanu, it's tears of happiness. I am so proud of you. You did everything all alone with so many things to handle along with. You built your own little world, which is full of happiness. It's so pretty, beautiful and extravagant."

She said and it made me cry too. I just hugged and our little session of crying and appreciating each other lasted quite long.

We went to our rooms and yes I have one room made specially for her only. Because I knew one day I will find her back and we will live together as we always dreamt of as kids.

I took a bath and quickly got ready and went towards the kitchen to make something for us but the moment I stepped in there I saw her cooking something and the aroma of the food was all over the home. Yes home, as now she is here this house feels like home, My home.

Seeing her cooking such elegantly I kept staring at her and the thought crossed my mind. Sometimes the female friendship are all what a person really needs, someone to be always there for you, to understand you, to hear you, just to be with you. This girl fought with her parents just for me. She fought with my parents. She did everything to make me feel loved. She cred for me the most. I can never imagine a life where she is not there. Even when we lost our contacts as she undergrounded herself breaking all the connections with everyone and she also had to break connections with me because her father was keeping close eye on me too.

I was in my thoughts until, she screamed as a plate fell.from her hand on seeing me
And I ran towards her,

What the hell is wrong with you, Ahana? It might have a hurt you. Please do it with care.

I said almost getting irritated by her careless behaviour.

"If you care about me, why are you standing here so quiet. I got scared seeing you suddenly. I thought it is someone else."

And I wrapped my arms around her, saying

"Aww my baby, sorry I won't do it again."

And she just playfully turned her face other side and started picking up the broken plate pieces.

I started helping her doing so. We had our lunch after this while talking from nothing to everything. After lunch we were just lying on the bed and she asked me,

"Vaani, answer honestly, do you feel for him?"

"I don't know but yes I do have a soft corner for him. He was not at fault for what happened."

"Vaani, so why are you including Rathore's in this mess?"

"I don't even know that myself. I haven't met anyone except his mother that too on the charity event after that I haven't met anyone."

"Vaani, I am always with you remember this, okk?"

"I know my baby, you are always with me."
I said and squeezed her hand in assurance.
I am still in the thought of why they have to suffer because I want my revenge. Revenge for spoiling my childhood. Revenge for everything that they snatched from me. Revenge for someone who can't be back in my life.

We both drifted to sleep as we were already very tired after such a long flight and this time, i didn't panic, I don't know the reason. I guess because Ahana is there holding my hand and continuously whispering all the sweet things or maybe Rudra's continuous gaze on me and the way he double checked everything just to make sure nothing is wrong. Even when I fall asleep for some time during flight, I can feel the continuous gaze on me.

This man is just so much good that now I am getting worried what if he isn't what he is behaving to be. I know he is known as ruthless and the devil of the business world, he also has some connections with the underworld but around me he is sunshine and I feel like I am the grumpy one. That's not fair, not at all.

I woke up when I felt no more like sleeping. I went to wash my face and after coming back I saw Ahana sitting on the bed grinning and that's when I felt something is wrong here.

"Ahana what's with this face? I asked raising one of my brows and continued, You make this face whenever you are extremely excited about something and I am hell scared right now, just say it."

As I completed she got up from the bed and walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me 'ohh so sweetly' and my tension increased more.

Hello lovelies ❤️❤️,

I know it's a cliffhanger again but you guys don't vote and comment so.....
And my exams are just a week or two away so updates would be a bit late but I will try to update once a week, PROMISE!!!


Yours Lovely author,

ISHQ SUFIYAAN Where stories live. Discover now