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Vaani's POV:

Nobody ever loved me as much as the love which is visible in his eyes but why my mind is not allowing me to accept it.

But I have to say something that convince him that I also feel for him otherwise......

On remembering what happened on my way to here. I decided to agree for the marriage not letting him know my actual feelings.

I know this is wrong, playing with someone's emotions is not right in any condition but I can't help, I have to do it.

As soon as I completed, he was just adoring me while wiping my tears.

After some time, I said, "I think I should leave now, as I have to go to company tomorrow as well." With a faint smile.

He too nodded awkwardly, I guess. But soon started helping me to correct myself and then asked, "Would you like to stay with me or should I drop you at your place?"
Awkwardness was dripping from his tone.

"I guess, it would be better if I stay at my place only as I have to look after somethings too." I replied as I don't want to hurt him more.

To which he nodded and I started moving behind me while he was leading me to his car and then he opened the door like a gentleman and helped me sit in the car.

The whole drive was quite, but his one hand was caressing my naked thigh and with other one he was driving.

His touch only has the ability to make hundreds of butterflies took flight in my stomach. I am so confused what is happening with me.

I have this feeling that all this things is just for show, he is for sure going to make my life hell. God, but why he is being so sweet if he has to ruin me.

I guess, he too noticed how much he affects me. He stopped the car suddenly on the side of the road, and leaned towards me and said in his hoarshy voice,"Jaan, don't make such faces, I am already controlling myself from throwing you on the backseat and fuck everything out of you."

Completing this, he just kissed my jaw line and again started driving. Leaving me shocked completely.

The entire ride after this was him caressing my thigh and me being in shock of what he did with me.

Soon we reached at my place, and I got off the car and went straight to my apartment, obviously after saying bye to him.

And there as I imagined, they are here only.
God, please be with me, in all this mess.


As it was quite late, so we decide to leave. And I dropped her to her place.

But the whole ride was her making different faces. Sometimes smirking, thinking, naughty and what not. Which was not at all helping my condition.

So I had to warn her about the consequences of her making such faces and I guess I shocked her to core.

I dropped her and she bid me bye and went straightly to her apartment, and I went to my place.

As I reached in the hallway all my family members was sitting there as if waiting for me to come.

Soon the questions started bombarding but my one voice is enough to silent all of them.

As they all get silent, "First all of you sit quietly on your respective seats. And to the matter what  she said, so she agreed for the marriage."

"Bhai, did she agreed on her own or you are forcing her in this marriage?"
My not so sweet brother, Jay decided to speak but my one glare was enough to make him quite.

But maa came in his support and asked the same question to which I replied getting completely surprised, "Maa, I didn't forced her for this marriage, atleast you should trust me."

They all agreed to me and went to their respective rooms. And I went to my room thinking about my Jaan.

Hello lovelies ❤️

I know everyone was thinking why she agreed so easily and how he is falling for her suddenly but you all don't know what's coming further so be patient I won't disappoint you all.😊

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