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Vaani's POV:

I woke up the next morning and saw an unfamiliar surrounding, suddenly I got the flashback of all that happened yesterday night. And a single question came in my mind, 'why he helped me. I still remember how his expression and tone changed seeing me that way. His eyes filled with the pain changed to the one holding fire that can burn the whole world, his calm expressions changed to more fierce one, seeing that one can say how furious he is.
And the moment he noticed red marks on my cheeks he fist clenched enough to turn his knuckles white, but why?'

I will definitely ask for the answers but right now I have to get ready as my company needs me the most right now.

On my entire way to office, my whole mind is occupied by his thoughts and the way he handled me last night. He said he will make my life a hell but the way he reacted is just something totally opposite. It felt like he got some feelings for me. I guess, I am being delusional there is nothing like this and why the hell I am thinking about him, god this is so frustrating.

As soon as, I entered my cabin, I called me secretary to tell me the update about the deal and what he told me was totally expected, our designs got finalized we got our deal back but we made more profit by this deal as new clients approached us after getting impressed by new designs.
We have a meeting with Rathore infrastructure today afternoon.

Finally, my company is back on track, but my life needs a lot of my attention and some important decisions I have to make.

I have to face Rudra in less than a hour and God, i don't even know how I am going to face him after all that happened yesterday night.

'I can do this' with lot of courage I entered the cabin only to meet his intense gaze, which I tried, like genuinely tried to ignore but he noticed that I am being awkward and man, he genuinely leaned towards me as I took my head seat and whispered,
"Jaan, there is no need to be awkward, it was just me and don't worry about me making your life hell that's my right only.
If someone else dared to make you cry than I will make sure that will pay for this and will make them regret there entire existence." he placed a kiss on the side of my forehead infront of everyone.

What he did just made me go all delusional, but right now I have to focus on the meeting, but his gaze is not at all helping me to concentrate. Anyhow we cracked the deal and that's the good thing and I am genuinely proud of me for this as we want to deal with Rathores. Now today, is the party day, as this success needs a celebration.

As soon as everyone left the conference room and I moved towards the gate suddenly someone pinned me next to the gate and I guessed right it's Mr. Rudra Pratap Rathore. But his eyes looks so good and his facial features so sharp and his eyelashes so thick, man, every girl wants such eyelashes. I am so lost in admiring him that soon i noticed him smirking proudly. The thing which I hate is this smirk.

Soon he said,"Jaan, meet me at the location, I sent you at eight in evening, today. And yes, you can wear whatever you want to as, your one smile is enough to kill me, so I won't mind what you are gonna wear tonight."

And he left but I am missing his warmth, it was something so safe and comforting asking me to relax in his arms. And the way caressed my waist, it didn't felt uncomfortable infact, it something what I am craving for as soon as he left.

But now, there is nothing much left so let's go home and prepare for tonight.


After yesterday's event, today I have to arrange a meeting with her, but she won't meet me personally so, let's just break into her office.

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