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Vaani's POV:

The knock on the door forced me to open my eyes and that's when the realisation hit me, I slept in his room only crying my eyes out and then I remembered all the things happened today as it's night only.

So much happened today but the only thing going on my mind is what will happen now? Will he call off this marriage? Will he be the same as he used to be?

Its all my fault I should have controlled my emotions, my feelings and let the things go with the flow. I shouldn't have told him in the first place, he will judge me for sure. What kind of girl I am whose own mother killed his husband. What kind of blood is mine. He is the most eligible bachelor, he don't deserve me. I only deserve to suffer, suffer from pain, grief, heartbreak, loss. I don't deserve happiness, peace, relief, love, care, support.

Thinking all these teras again made its way and started flowing but I startled hearing the knock louder than before and then I wiped my tears and went to open the door.

As soon as the door is opened, I saw Rudra standing there with trolley filled completely with different varieties of food. Seeing this, tears again started flowing through my eyes and this it's because he must be feeling pity for me, which I absolutely hate.

But before I can say or do anything, two strong arms wrapped around me and this time he wasn't quite listening to my rants and letting me cry but this time he said,

"My little bird, there is a reason I call you Birdie, MY BIRDIE. You are strong, independent and free to fly in such a large sky. You have gone through so much all alone, helping yourself on your own at such a small age when kids don't even know anything about the cruelty of world. You fought for your father, his dreams, to get his last wish fulfilled. My love, you are the strongest person I have known till now and you deserve to be loved, cherished, taken care of, to get healed. I am here, here to love you, to cherish you, to celebrate your success and to hold you in your low. So, my baby, my baccha, my love, my BIRDIE. please, stop crying my heart aches seeing you cry."

Hearing him, I felt good. All my insecurities vanished like it was never there. He healed a part of me which he didn't even break.
Something which I never thought would get healed, something which was supposed to be there forever.

I don't know what I did to deserve a man like him but now he is mine. He gave the assurance that I needed the most at this time without even asking for it.

"Jaan, please sit on the bed. Let me take the food as it's already dinner time and you slept without even having lunch." He said so softly wiping my tears.

To which I simply shook my head and hugged him even more tightly. He left out a chuckle and said, "Jump" this didn't take me long to understand and jumped and clung to him wrapping my legs around his torso. His one hand was holding me in place while he held the trolley with his other hand and took me towards the bed after closing the door behind us.

He then made me sit on his lap and placed the food on the table present in front of us and all the dishes present are my favourites, I wonder who might have told him about it.

"Ahana told me about the food."
He said breaking my chain of thoughts and I was about to reach there and he said it. How he get to know what I was thinking? Is he able to read my mind?

"You said it quite loud, like now" he again said and let out a low chuckle to which I just pouted.

How can he be like this, huh!!

Then he just started feeding me and once I was done, I went to mom and chatted for some time and then I left for my apartment.


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