Chapter 13**

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Ron rushed to Cale, Choi han had partially explained to him what had happened.

"Young master, shall I call a doctor?"

", the pain will go away alone like last time, it's not even that strong..." Of course Cale refused as always. Ron wouldn't listen to him but he didn't know if he had to go against his master's orders again.

"Ron, call a doctor right now." A voice came from behind them. All their eyes turned to him, the young master Basen was awake with all the noise there was. He ordered Ron who left immediately, he went to see the innkeeper if he could call a doctor in the village.

" don't have-"

"Hyung, your condition is not good you have to see a doctor. Now just wait for him to come." Basen had an impassive look, reminding him of his father.

Cale could only listen and shut up.

Shortly after, a doctor came back with Ron, checked on him the others were worried, their gazes were constantly between Cale and the doctor. It didn't take long for the doctor to come back to them, they could also see that Cale was now sleeping.

"So how's he doing?" Basen asked first.

"He seems to have pains in the chest towards the heart but I don't see anything physically. I gave him something for the pain but it does not seem to work, he ended up falling asleep thinking that the pain could pass." The doctor seemed pained at this.

"You don't know what he has? He's also sick, could that be the reason?" Basen asked, he really wanted to help.

"Honestly, I don't know but I can't do anything to help him in any way."

On this the doctor left, the others remained silent in the room looking at the sleeping redhead with the two kittens who had joined him on the bed.

"Should we go back to the county? There are many doctors or even priests who can come and see him; perhaps they will be more qualified." Ron asked Young Master Basen, only he where Cale could decide to turn back.

"*Sigh* I don't know... if I call our dad, he'll definitely want us to come home. I don't know what Hyung would like us to do...we'll wait until tomorrow when he wakes up."

They then separated. Ron went back to his own room but he told them that if there was a problem, they had to come and wake him up immediately. Choi han stayed outside Cale's door while Basen lay on the sofa in his brother's room.

As the night had passed, the next morning everyone was up early enough to wait for the awakening of their young master.

Cale didn't wake up until noon, so Basen was the first to see him.

"Hyung! Are you better?"

"Yes, I am no longer in pain. I told you that rest would be enough."

Basen shook his head at these words.

"The doctor found nothing that could explain your pain. I was wondering...if we should go back to the estate?"

Cale was very happy the doctor didn't see anything, but even he didn't know why the pain was occurring at that moment. He was fine the rest of the time, despite the death god's words at the moment he didn't feel anything special.

"No, there is no need. We can continue the journey."

Of course Basen knew his brother was going to say that, Cale was always stubborn it was the only thing that was true about him.

"Ah and don't say anything to the count either, it would make him worry for nothing." Cale pointed this out for Basen.

Yes, their father would have them come back immediately or run to join them.

"*Sigh* Okay but we'll stay one more day at the inn so you can rest more."

Cale of course accepted the compromise.

He spent the day in his bed, everything was reported directly to him so that he wouldn't make the slightest movement. Cale thought they were exaggerating a bit but said nothing, doing nothing was best.

Later in the day Ron came to tell him that some knights had shown up to ask them if they had any problems during the night. Ron told them that no, there had been nothing and that no one saw anything either while they were all here, they were busy with their sick young master, a doctor had even come. Of course the knights quickly gave up and left.

Cale was quite happy with that, he needed an alibi for the time of the theft, so good for him. Apart from Ron's suspicious look everything went well for him.

The rest passed peacefully although he was still under surveillance.

The next day they left for the next destination Puzzle City, Cale planned to retrieve the next ancient power the vitality of the heart. He hoped it would help stabilize his condition as it is a regenerative power. Unfortunately, everything didn't go as planned...again.

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