Chapter 32**

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When morning arrived Cale had breakfast in his room with Basen and the children.

"He left last night, but he said he would come back."

Cale just nodded at Basen. Continuing to eat quietly while also feeding the children at the same time.

"Oh and a doctor should come soon." I warned Amiru, she was worried. She will surely come too."

"It really wasn't necessary..."

"Of course you didn't almost die yesterday because you passed out. Unless you tell me the truth about the reason and it is not related to your illness or another problem. You won't come out, while I'm not sure you're okay. Beacrox will probably agree with that too."

Basen looked at his brother to see his reaction. He could see Cale not saying anything and continuing to eat quietly.

Seeing that he was no longer going to discuss this. He simply continued to eat, a little disappointed that his brother didn't explain more but he understood that, it hadn't been long since they became closer. He just needs to be more patient.

After breakfast a doctor came, he was accompanied by Amiru as planned.

"Cale felt unwell last night while we were swimming in the sea, we took care of it of course but I would like further confirmation that he is okay now."

" What ?! Why didn't you warn us sooner?" Amiru became even more worried after learning this.

"You must have already been very busy with the problems they had. So I didn't want to bother you." Cale spoke up this time.

"I wanted to warn you but this is what he told me." Basen responded immediately.

"Young Master Basen next time no matter the situation come find me first."

"Of course, thank you very much." Basen got what he wanted and he is sure that the information about Cale's condition will spread among his brother's other friends. He needed more people to watch out for his brother before he went crazy himself.

Basen then told the doctor a little about the problems his brother was having but the doctor quickly told him that he already knew. He had heard about it, rumors spread quickly. Well as long as it didn't harm his brother, he didn't mind. They will still have to be careful that no one takes advantage of it.

The doctor then did a check on Cale's health, for once the report was good.

"I don't see anything about his condition, he's fine. You can even go back to two tablets instead of three. His body has recovered well from the incident. But still be careful, his condition is still generally fragile."

"Why did he faint then?" Basen asked, he would have hoped to get an answer from the doctor if his brother didn't tell him anything.

"I don't know but it has nothing to do with his illness in any case, that's the only thing I can tell you. If this happens again, please call me back and we will do further tests."

The doctor left with that and they were more or less reassured.

Amiru had stayed with them to talk to them about the things that had happened last night in addition to asking him a hundred times if he was okay. Cale ended up answering him random things, barely listening to the rest because he already knew everything. Normal since he was the one who caused everything.

His attention returned once she talked about something or someone he would have preferred to avoid.

"Also the person we saved is now doing very well, maybe you can talk to him if you see him."

Cale almost choked on the tea he was drinking before speaking hurriedly.

"That's great, of course I'd like to meet him too." Although he hoped not to see him at all, he had almost forgotten his presence with all the worries he had since his arrival. Now he couldn't do it anymore, unfortunately.

Amiru nodded before continuing to speak.

"Are you going to do anything today? You can have a wonderful view while walking along the seaside. I know the best places." She looked at Cale before adding something.

"Although if you prefer to rest, this might be great for you too." 

Cale could sense the worry in his tone but he ignored it.

"I think it would be good to go out for a bit, I've been here for a few days so I haven't been able to go for a walk yet." Cale could feel a burning gaze from Basen which he ignored as well.

"It's a good idea but don't push yourself too much, you still have time to enjoy the calm of the sea."

"I would like to stay with you for a while longer unfortunately. I have to investigate the disappearance of the whirlpool."

Basen and Cale wished her luck before looking at her leave.

"Have you got anything else planned today?" Basen looked at him with an accusatory look.

"No, I really just want to take a leisurely stroll." 

Basen didn't believe it at all.

Cale really meant it, he wanted to run away from Toonka at the same time.

As he wanted, in the afternoon they went out. Cale chose an isolated corner where there was no one. Many people were in the area to understand what happened yesterday in addition to fishermen and residents. He could only relax without anyone present. Well almost, his brother and the children followed him closely.

Basen and Raon quickly recognized the location.

"Huyng why did you choose this place, there are still corpses... I don't think this is a peaceful place..."

"Well if no one reported them it's because no one comes here, so it's a quiet place."

Basen couldn't refute these words it was strange logic but it wasn't wrong.

They walked a little around the island to observe the landscape. They came back to the same place with the corpses of the mermaids.

"They weren't like that yesterday..." He could hear Basen speaking.

The corpses seem to have turned to dust, if they hadn't told him they were corpses. He couldn't have known that.

"Maybe it was Paston who did it, I don't think it's anything to worry about."

"How can a human do something like that?" 

"Simple it's because he's not human, he's a whale mixed blood. They are stronger than humans."

"It was a whale." Basen said in disbelief.

"Please warn me next time about this kind of thing."

Cale just nodded at his brother's request. They continued walking until they approached the seashore and the water near them began to boil violently. The Black Dragon to speak next, to warn Cale and Basen

- "Something is springing up from the bottom of the sea. It's moving very quickly!"

Both Cale and Basen raised their heads and looked towards the sea. Basen flinched in fear and walked away, taking his brother by the arm.

Something big came to the surface. It was a dark gray colored life form. He then looked straight at Cale and Basen.

It was a whale. A beast-person-humpback whale.

Humpback whales were known as the guardians of the ocean and protected weaker life forms. For generations, the king of the whale tribe has been a humpback whale beastman.

Basen could suddenly hear his brother speaking.

"It's a whale."

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