Chapter 41**

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On the side of the priest of the god of death.

He returned to the capital temple, he immediately notified all the highest ranking servants of the god of death.

"We need to find more information about this connection that the young master has with our lord. "

"Unfortunately, I don't think they will let me near the young master again."

"They can't go against the church!"

"The Henituse family is known to be very protective, they don't care."

"Perhaps your idea of ​​meeting the king is a good suggestion. Even they won't be able to do anything against the king of their own kingdom. Try to make the request as soon as possible, we must bring him into our church if he is truly a Saint. This could help your lord's prosperity."

The priest greeted the bishop before leaving the temple and returning to the palace to request an audience with the king.

Too bad for him, the king was apparently unavailable at the moment, only his assistant was there. And he didn't seem happy to have to talk to this person either.

King Zed simply left him to his fate when he told him the reason for the priest's visit. He didn't want to touch the Henituse family, Deruth had already caused him enough problems. He had no desire to create more. So he sent him in his place with a clear directive. «Let no one touch young master Cale Henituse. » He sounded desperate as he told her. More out of fear than anything else...

«*sigh* Why do I have to take care of everything... » He sighed at his sad life.

"I'm sorry but his majesty is currently unavailable." He could see the person in front of him frowning, certainly unhappy.

"I would like to insist on being able to meet him, it is a serious request of the utmost importance."

"He is currently in the middle of a meeting with other nobles, he is really not available. The kingdom is certainly more important than mere rumors or assumptions."

"Of course I understand but it's not just speculation, I myself felt the power of the god of death on young master Cale. But I was unable to do further research, the Henituse family is opposed to this. I would like his majesty to give me authorization to carry out further examinations on the young master."

«He's not going to just give up is he? What pain... But they will never accept Deruth as much as Zed... even on a direct order from the king, he will refuse and come and cause a scandal at the palace... » He sighed again before looking at the priest in front of him.

"You should leave young master Cale, his health is already fragile as you have seen. It is not good to overwork him further. It is not right to hurt the savior of the kingdom for so little."

"I understand, thank you for being able to see me quickly."

After that he left the palace.

The counselor sighed once again, he was sure he wasn't going to give up. He went to report it to the king who suggested informing Count Henituse. He thought it would calm Deruth down and show him that he didn't agree with the church...

On the Henituse family side.

They still hadn't left Cale's room.

"I don't think he's going to delay or cancel his trip." Basen spoke from experience with Cale.

"You can just knock him out if he tries to use these powers." Cage suggested.

Basen thought about it seriously as Deruth and Violan looked at their son in disbelief before a child's voice was heard in Basen's head telling him not to harm the human. Basen sighed but eventually gave up on the idea.

"I think other than going with him to protect him and stop him from doing stupid things there's nothing else we can do. Even if they tried to lock him in his room, I'm sure he would find a way to escape, even if he got hurt in the process."

No one could refute these words, it was almost all true.

"Who is accompanying you on the trip?" 

"The two new people, Choi han, the children, Rosalyn and Lock, me of course and a few guards. I think that's enough."

"Can I come with you?"  Cage asked if she was already there, might as well be of some use.

" Of course."

"Please just take care of him."  Deruth looked at Cale on the bed, he was afraid for him, already seeing him like that again was difficult so... no he trusted his son.

"Don't worry, I'll do it, we'll leave in two days, if he's conscious again of course."

With that they parted ways, only Basen remained in the room with the doctors. The Count called them back and asked them to stay until Cale woke up.

It is only in the evening that they noticed that Cale was conscious again.

Basen approached him while the doctors quickly checked his condition.

"Hyung, are you okay? You feel better ?"

Cale sighed before answering Basen, even someone like him could see that he seemed worried.

"Yes, I'm fine, don't worry."

Basen looked at the doctors asking for confirmation, a nod letting him know it was true.

"Okay, you can leave us." The doctors then came out, Basen wanted to talk to his brother without anyone hearing them, gossip has already caused enough problems and he also knew it wasn't over.

"Do you know what happened?"

"Yeah, some idiot came and told me." 

"The god of death?" 

"Yes, how do you know that?" Cale looked at Basen suspiciously, it seemed like things happened while he was sleeping.

"Remember the priest of the god of death?" He waited for Cale to show he remembered before continuing.

"When he touched you, there was a reaction with your body and he could sense the connection you have with the god of death. He even thought you were his Saint."

The look on his face clearly said this was bullshit.

"That's not true, I already told him no!" 

"We told him no but not sure he listened to us."

Cale's look was chaotic, he felt his already inaccessible lazy life had gone even further.

"So Cage came to save your life, by order of his lord. She will also accompany us into the forest of darkness. And with guards too, our father is not going to go back on that. If it were up to him, you'd be locked in your room for a very long time."

After hearing that, he just closed his eyes and already wanted to go back to sleep, it was definitely less exhausting than all that.

"Don't even think you can escape this conversation!" 

Cale opened his eyes to look at Basen.

"Okay but I accept this on two conditions, you have to deal with the priest so he doesn't spread more nonsense and I don't want any guards with us the reason we are going to the forest of darkness must be kept secret."

"I'm not sure about the second one, you should know he's stubborn like you."

"I can still go by myself."

"I don't mind seeing you try to get through everyone. What do you say about a dragon, a sword master, a mage, whales, kittens too. Do you really think you can do it?"

"Do you want us to make a bet on it?"

They both looked at each other defiantly, seeing who would give in first.

After a few minutes of staring battle. Basen finally gave in.

"*sigh* Okay, I'll see what I can do."

"Great, we're leaving tomorrow!"

"I told everyone we are leaving in two days. I need time to convince our father too."

Cale agreed, two days later after doctors checked Cale once again, he was allowed to leave under guard.

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