Chapter 44**

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When Cale woke up it was with the presence of his father and his brother next to him, he immediately frowned at the look his father was giving him. He seemed incredibly angry and sad a strange combination of feelings.

"Did something happen while I was sleeping?" He asked the two but the silence was palpable and it was getting tense. He waited a few more minutes before anyone responded, but that wasn't what he was expecting.

"When were you going to tell us about your condition?" His father spoke first but his words were cold.

He looked at Basen asking for an explanation.

"Father took the vow with the god of death."

Cale closed his eyes at this, this conversation was going to be difficult for him, he could already sense it.

"It's not as bad as you think." He tried to defend himself or reassure them, he himself wasn't sure. But it didn't seem like the right thing to say.

" No of course not."There was a rather flat and empty laugh, it gave him shivers.

"Cale, I told you the first time I discovered your illness that you could tell me anything, that I was going to make it up to you. But you don't even let me do it, what do you expect me to do if you still keep this kind of thing to yourself too. If you were dead, I wouldn't even know the reason. I would have lost my son without realizing it, don't you think about us! " He ended up collapsing into the chair he was sitting in before with his hands covering his face.

"We're all worried about you Cale, we don't want to lose you, and...and I don't even know how to stop this."

"You didn't do anything, I'm not going to die." He said it with conviction, it was the only thing he could do. He wasn't good at trying to reassure them so promises he always kept were proof of truth for him.

"So you promise us that you won't use your powers anymore, Basen told me everything. He almost made you pass out again because of them. That would be one way for me to reassure myself that you won't die when my back is turned." He asked in the same way Basen had done a while ago, perhaps with more desperation.

"I already said no, I can't." He looked away from both of them. He couldn't watch what kind of hurt expression they had.

"Cale down, please. Do this for your family for us."

"No, I did it for you too but you didn't understand."

"Then explain to us!" We can understand, I don't want you to lose your life for you. That would be even more painful! "

"I can't..." He bit his lip, he didn't want to speak, he couldn't do it. He would still rather die than say anything.

"I'm tired, I want to rest. I would like to leave soon, for the kingdom of Whipper."

The count raised his head at that. "You want to go to a kingdom at war? With your condition!" The anger had returned, and even stronger.

"I have to go, I have things to do."

"It's a dangerous place for everyone and a sick person clearly has no place there! »

"I'll go there no matter what you tell me, I'm tired of these conversations, I haven't said anything partly because of that. I don't want to be stopped from doing what I want." He was also starting to get annoyed, why did it always end the same way, it was becoming frustrating.

"A parent and there to stop their children from doing dangerous things!"

"I'll leave in two days, it's over. I don't want to say anything anymore. And don't think you can change my mind or lock me in my room. I've had this conversation far too many times. »

"You can't leave like that for another kingdom, as a noble of Roan you must be careful and have permissions to leave Port Ubarr."

"I already know how to get them without going through Henituse County."

Deruth frowned trying to find a solution to this.

"You already have to leave the domain for that and..."

"Please not again, haven't you had enough of that?!" This time he grimaced with weariness at the situation.

"No, not so much..."

Cale couldn't let him talk anymore, he couldn't take it anymore. He was really tired, he never had to justify these actions he just did what he wanted. Especially if it was to protect others, and many times you have to hurt them a little before you can protect them....

"Alright I'm done with that, really. Listen carefully to what I have to say. I will go and do what I need with or without your agreement. Then, I'm not your son."

Both Basen and the Count had shocked expressions at his words but Cale ignored them

didn't let anyone talk, he was scared but he couldn't continue like that.

"I woke up in this body a few months ago now, just before meeting Choi Han. No, I don't know how that was possible, I suddenly woke up here. And I was warmly told that I was going to die due to a stupid mistake by a stupid god. In addition to knowing that this damn world was going to its doom. I'm trying to protect him, I need his powers to do so. You have no idea what I know, this world needs this. I don't know where the previous owner of this body has gone, or if he is okay. I don't even know if it's possible to change that but if not, I need a world to live in." Once he was finished, he just looked away again; he didn't want to see the disgusted expression of anyone he had taught to live and appreciate.

" What ?!" Both Deruth and Basen didn't have the words to express the confused state they were in but they didn't have time to do so, they all suddenly passed out where they were. To find himself in a place that Cale knew well. He sighed at the sight of a stupid god.

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