Chapter 31**

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Cale went back to bed but did not fall asleep, he was waiting for them to return. Now that he was completely alone and no one to bother him he had to do something he had forgotten in the capital.

«Hello, can we talk now?» He really had to speak with the old power, he didn't know how to contact him so he made it as simple as possible.

-Of course, what's wrong with my power?

And Cale explained everything to him like he did to the others.

-You can't use any powers without hurting yourself then?

« No. »

-Why did you take so much power, do you want to die?! The ancient powers were a little confused, you would have to be crazy to do that.

«I needed that...»Cale didn't really want to have a voice in his head growling, it was very strange.

He didn't say anything for a while, he had to cry to himself. He didn't know why but he felt that he would have a lot of problems with him as the owner of his power.

« Are you still there ?»

-Yes... He could only resign himself to his fate.

«I have a question for you.»

He said nothing while waiting for the request.

«Why, can I hear you? Is this a normal thing for those who regain ancient powers?» He was really curious, especially since having multiple voices in his head didn't seem like a good thing.

-I don't know... And he really didn't know it.

Meanwhile, Basen had left with the black dragon. He brought him to where he was before with Cale.

They quickly found the right cave with the water Cale was looking for. He had explained to them that he was looking for something similar to his ancient power and so the dragon was able to locate the right place.

"He is in this cave but I also feel the presence of something else."

"Is this dangerous?" Basen asked a little worried.

"Hmm, I am a powerful dragon, nothing is dangerous. I will protect you!" He put an invisibility spell on himself and Basen before entering.

The closer they got, the more strange things they could see, they found corpses of an unknown species not far away. Neither knew what they were, they would ask Cale later he would definitely know.

They then entered and came across an unconscious person.

The dragon shined a little light with an orb made of mana to see better and it seemed to have an injured leg. They were of course not going to leave him here, they will bring him back with them so they can treat him. But they still had to get back what they came for. Otherwise they were sure Cale was going to come himself.

"Where is the water?"

"A little further into the back of the cave, won't you help him?" He asked in case the other human saved everyone he was going to do it too or was he going to leave him here?

"Of course, but I'll get what Huyng wanted."

He walked a little further the dragon had told him the place was safe now.

He could see a puddle, it looked like normal water but he was sure that was it. He took out the small bottle his brother had given him and filled it with water. He then returned to the dragon.

"Can you take him back with us? Hyung will surely be able to help us."

The little dragon obeyed, he put flight and invisibility magic on the three of them.

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