Chapter 35**

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«He's really crazy.» They could see him playing in the whirlwinds, all sharing the same thought.

Obviously with Cale's luck, they were quickly spotted by Toonka. The madman rushed towards them screaming.

Of course the tyrant saw them flying across the sky, he thought of magic when he saw them. This made him furious.

But a strong power quickly imprisoned him, even though he was immune to magic, a dragon's magic was far superior and affected him.

When he felt the magic, he tried to get out of its grip but it was impossible.

"What are you?! You definitely use magic!" He was angry, he certainly wanted to kill the mage responsible.

He could see something appear in front of him, it was certainly a powerful person, normally he would have liked to fight this strong person but he was paralyzed with fear. Without magic he would definitely fall to the ground in front of him.

A small black dragon appeared in front of the mad human. He was tired of people hurting his human today despite his fear of unfamiliar humans. He had to protect his human.

His mana was chaotic around him, he was angry.

"Don't think about harming my human, otherwise I'll kill you!"  Faced with the vicious gaze of the dragon in front of him, he could only nod his head.

Now that Toonka seemed calm and not wanting to fight anymore. Cale decided to use this to his advantage. He knew that even if Toonka hated magic, he could only bow to a powerful dragon.

"You're the person who was found on the beach, right? Hmm, you really don't seem like a simple man. A warrior perhaps?" He pretended to think by saying it as if he was analyzing the situation in front of him.

"Of course I'm a warrior! A proud warrior of the Whipper Kingdom, and I hate all mages!"

Cale held back a sigh, he had talked a little about Toonka with Amiru. He told him he was just a failed fisherman. But everyone quickly understood that these were lies, what fisherman could have this type of physique! Not to mention he fought not long ago, against a whale no less, no one is stupid enough to believe that anymore.

Toonka just stared silently at the person in front of him, he seemed to be really interesting even more than the other nobles he had met. He didn't even look like a noble. He absolutely didn't pay attention to the other people who came with the redhead.

"Are you planning to destroy the magic tower?" 

This time everyone's attention shifted from the madman to Cale. Even Toonka seemed shocked at the question, out of nowhere.

" What ? why are you looking at me like that? You're part of the non-mage faction, right?"

"Of course but..."

Cale didn't let it finish.

"If you're going to do it, just don't destroy it too much."

Toonka unconsciously let out his thoughts. "...Crazy bastard, what are you talking about?" 

"Ah, but please expel all the mages."

Toonka was finally able to make a decision regarding Cale after hearing what Cale had to say. Cale started to smile as he looked at Toonka.

The non-mages who win the civil war lead the Whipper Kingdom to grow before it quickly collapses. Although natural instincts destroy the rationality known as magic, an existence without rationality would be no better than an animal.

Cale's plan was to take control of the benefits these animals would eventually miss out on.

"I intend to buy this Magic Tower. What do you think ?"

Toonka started to smile as she looked up at Cale.

"What a crazy bastard." 

Basen wanted to disagree with this guy but he couldn't. He didn't know what crazy thing his brother was planning but he was probably right. His brother is not normal.

Cale continued to talk with Toonka a little longer, once he was satisfied with the exchange, he left him on the beach. He still had things to do after all. He just has to warn the crown prince later about his future gift in addition to talking to Amiru so that she sends him away quickly. He couldn't be late for the battles in Whipper's kingdom. He sighed before heading towards the neighboring island.

He decided to use his powers but only lightly, without the need to faint or alert the people with him.

They then quickly returned to their room in the residence, he had replaced the current whirlpools with weaker whirlpools. But which will not disappear for 6 months. He will have to find a solution to return them to their original state, this was absolutely necessary for these future plans. But he couldn't use his powers, he barely used them after a quarter of his power he could feel pain coming. He tried not to let anything show but the looks intensified on him but they did nothing. But as soon as they got to Cale's room, they told him to go to bed. He can only sigh and obey.

Basen watched him lie in bed, he should definitely have another conversation with him. He had just thought of something after seeing his brother use these powers again. He seemed to be suffering while doing it, he was already arriving in the square and on the beach. The other times he wasn't with him but he assumed that was the case too. He should ask her. But for now he will let him rest. He then headed to his own room.

Cale slept comfortably until the afternoon. Or he found out about Toonka's departure, his brother had gone there without him, leaving him to rest. He told him that he should be in good health for their return to their territory.

Their departure was scheduled for the afternoon as soon as he woke up, everyone was waiting for him to leave. Even the two whales were already waiting for him. Well, one thing he didn't know was that they had planned to teleport everyone to the county, to avoid another trip to Cale after his eventful stay. Cale didn't have a say, as soon as everyone was ready, they teleported to the Henituse domain, his father and the whole Henituse family were already waiting for him.

He wondered if no one had anything else to do but come and greet them pointlessly.

He didn't see the knowing look between Basen and Deruth. Basen had understood that the count was not only here to greet them but to see if his brother was well. He was sure that in front of her eyes he had necessarily heard part or even all of what had happened. With all the people who witnessed the incidents with Cale it wasn't really surprising.

He was already looking at his brother with a look of pity.

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