Chapter 36**

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As expected, Deruth approached them. The others remained behind.

"How was your trip?" He asked Basen and Cale. But his eyes were on Cale to see if he could see any injuries or anything else. Fortunately he didn't find anything but he was still waiting for their response.

"It was very calm and relaxing." Cale said it, very sure of himself. Unfortunately for him, he didn't see the completely incredulous looks from the others around him, even if everyone wasn't aware of everything. At least everyone present knew of a problem Cale had.

Hans couldn't even meet the count's gaze after he looked at him. He was responsible for Cale, it's normal for him to look at him after feeling the strange atmosphere after his question.

Deruth looked at them with a question in his eyes but no one answered him. Only Cale seemed to be in a good mood.

"That's good, I'm glad you were able to rest. You should go back to your room and rest."

Cale just nodded and left, an invisible dragon and two kittens following him. Once out of sight. He addressed the others. He was also able to see the presence of two new people he didn't know, but he will see that later.

"Was there a problem with Cale?"

"...You know you haven't heard back from Laidy Amiru?" Basen asked cautiously.

"No, should I have heard of something?" His gaze intensified on Hans. Who turned pale.

"Hmm... there were a few small incidents..." Hans spoke, but the sound of his voice became lower and lower depending on the count's gaze on him.

"Can you elaborate, was Cale hurt?" As Hans became silent he looked at the others.

Beacrox didn't say anything, he didn't intend to speak.

The wolf children were sent back to Harison Village, before everyone was teleported back to the county.

All that remained were the whales and Basen. So Deruth is addressed to his other son.


"*sigh* There was a problem Cale must have used his power like in the square and he almost passed out. We sent him to sleep afterwards so there wasn't too much of a problem. And he really fainted another time but we called a doctor to come see him but he didn't see anything about his condition. So nothing too important happened, he came home and is in good health."

It was Deruth's turn to look at Basen in disbelief. How was that not much?!

"Do you know why he fainted? If you called a doctor at that time it was important, why not the first time? The doctor hadn't said Cale would be fine with the medicine, why is he passing out again?"

Deruth had a lot of questions, Basen could see him starting to panic. He was also able to see his mother approaching him.

"Honey, calm down. I know you're worried but-"

"How can I even stay calm!" After losing his composure, he had to force himself to calm down in front of his wife's gaze.

"Okay, okay let's go to my office." He asked his son to follow him. His wife had gone with them. While Hans stayed to take care of the guests.

Lili had gone to her training, leaving the adults to talk. She asks them later, she too was worried about her older brother after all.

Once he arrived in his office he sat down in his seat. Basen took a seat in front of him while Violan stayed next to him.

After taking a deep breath, he spoke again.

" So ? Please tell me the truth, I know you are worried about him too. It is important not to hide anything." Deruth asked Basen to truthfully answer the questions they had asked earlier.

He had promised not to tell Cale what had happened but in front of the desperate looks of the two he couldn't bring himself to almost lie.

"Hyung passed out while he was swimming, we wanted to see a little of the sea. But I didn't notice it right away, so the situation degenerated but fortunately Beacrox who was with us was quickly able to come help him. I called a doctor the next day so he could come and see if he was okay after the incident. The doctor said he was fine but didn't know why he fainted." Basen explained to them, he hoped they would believe him.

"Didn't Cale say anything about it?" 

Surprisingly Deruth responded calmly, but one look at his face and Basen knew immediately that he wasn't actually calm. His mother was in the same condition.

"No, he still acts detached. As if he doesn't care or his condition isn't serious."

Deruth sighed and brought his hands to his face. He felt guilty, his son was certainly acting this way because of his neglect all these years. Cale probably didn't learn the necessary things, like self-care. Unfortunately, he also remembered how Cale called himself trash with a smile... he would have to talk with his son to teach him all these things.

He sighed once more before removing his hands.

"What should we do? Call a doctor, maybe talk to him? " Deruth spoke as much to Basen as to his wife. He was lost.

"I don't think so, he had already refused to see a doctor. I had to insist that he do it. And talking to him, it's very difficult to do it with him..." Basen knew that even the words «very difficult» were not strong enough to say it, he still remembered the conversations he had with his brother . He was still very frustrated about it.

"We can't leave him alone either, there's a reason for his condition! "

"Let me go talk to him." Violan spoke, she knew how to deal with children and stubborn people. She raised her son alone and is married to Deruth Henituse. Even if he would never admit it, the father could be as stubborn as the son. And it's also an opportunity for her to get closer to Cale, she could see that Basen had already done it, it was his turn to do it.

They both nodded, they trusted him.

Basen wished him luck in his head, had already given it to him.

"Ah yes, do it quickly Cale probably won't stay in the county for long."

"Has he planned any other trips?" The count asked with a frown.

"Yes, he wanted to go to the village of Harris. "Basen could see the count stiffen at his words.

"Why, does he want to go? "Even though he asked, he had several chaotic thoughts running through his mind. This village was like a bad omen for him, it was already the grave of his former wife. Why would a sick child want to go to the last place other than to visit his mother? He could only think of bad reasons. Especially since his condition seems to be deteriorating and they don't even know the reason. His expression grew even darker at this.

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