Chapter 45**

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"Are you crazy?!" This unexpected question came from the mouth of the god of death.

" What ?" Now it's Cale's turn to be confused.

"That's a brutal way to reveal a secret, I've been trying to keep you alive for months and this is what you're doing! Do you want to die that badly?!" The god was furious but not like Cale expected, more like an angry parent.

"This is all your fault in the first place!" Cale was done with everything and everyone, really.

" I apologized !"


"I'm sorry but can someone tell us what's going on?" It was Basen who asked, Deruth was still unable to speak.

The god of death pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration before sighing and starting to speak.

"Well you are in my domain, I am the god of death!" The ending was said with a hint of pride making Cale roll his eyes.

"Okay, why are we here?" Basen didn't really seem to impress, he hadn't yet forgotten Cale's words, or earlier from a stranger? He wasn't sure anymore.

"Well we have some things to clear up. Already what Cale said is true, BUT it wasn't his fault he didn't know anything, it was your original Cale who made the deal with me. He didn't know anything."

"Why would my son do such a thing?" Deruth finally spoke, there was slight anger but more sadness in his tone.

"It's a long and complicated story but to put it simply. He wanted to get information about his mother and save his world. The original Cale died in your world but with our agreement someone will come and replace him to save your world and he will go into the body of the person with whom the exchange took place. And he was able to find his mother in the process. You have gained a savior and him his mother, it's great for everyone." He said shrugging his shoulders as if nothing had happened even Cale with them didn't seem to react much.

Now they were frustrated with other things.

"And that suits you? Aren't you angry?" Basen couldn't believe he could accept this so easily.

"No, it's not like I can do anything about it, I didn't lose anything in the exchange anyway." Cale was confused, why would he want him to be angry? It was more up to him to ask them that, they had just learned that they had just lost a member of their family who was replaced by a stranger.

"Nothing, and your life there?!"

"No matter I have a life here now, finally..." He looked at the two Henituses with a look that clearly asked what they were going to do with him now.

Instead of a response from Deruth, the count returned to the god of death.

"Is my son happy where he is? I just want him to be okay and safe."

"Yes, this is what he wanted most in the world, he is convinced that the new person will save his world and that he is a good person to take care of his family and friends." He replied seriously, he had told her something similar before he left for earth and he had assured her that they would both be happier like that.

" Thanks." Deruth smiled and went back to Cale. "If it's my son's choice I can't do anything about it, you're welcome to our family. What should I call you?"

" What ?" Cale didn't understand, why accept it so easily he had taken his son's body.

"I have one more son now. So ?" Deruth waited for a response from Cale who was still too stunned to respond.

"It doesn't bother me either, and we can't leave you alone, you'll die without someone there to watch over you. And was it like that before too?" He asked the god of death who quickly nodded.

"He was much worse."

"I see, well, we'll watch over him." Basen smiled at Cale who was trying to understand the whole situation.

"Ah before I send you away, his name is Kim Rok Soo and he has always been a little oblivious to the feelings of others and himself. Go so slowly, you might break it!" The god said laughing before the world around them faded and they were in Cale's room again.

"Well that was an interesting conversation." Cale returned to the Count's voice before looking back at the sheets he was still sitting on, he still hadn't said anything.

"If you agree, we would like to learn more about you." Deruth said it with a sincere smile, which made Cale doubt the reality of the situation.

"I think he was right, he seems completely lost..." Basen who had just gotten up from of the ground, he was a little worried by the constantly lost expression his brother. Yes his brother now.

"I don't understand, aren't you angry with me?" Cale asked with a shaky voice.

They said nothing while waiting for him to explain.

"I stole your son's body and lied to you, how can you forget all that?" He really didn't understand.

"Listen, you have nothing to reproach yourself for, okay, you were more of a victim in the middle of this exchange than a thief. And we all know what you did, I don't think you wanted to harm us on the contrary since you have been here you have protected us and everyone else. We are happy to have you among us. Like I said, we didn't lose anyone, we just gained another son and I'm sure you were just afraid of our reaction so you didn't say anything. " He could see a nod that confirmed his words.

"I don't blame you for anything, although your words were a bit shocking and clearly lacked explanation." It wasn't a reproach, more a tease, but Cale hadn't noticed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you just to get you far enough away so I could do what I wanted..."

"Well it didn't work and now that we know everything, I don't think it will ever work." Deruth shared a rather vicious look with Basen.

"I think we should tell Mom too and maybe Lili." Basen suggested, it would be easier for everyone.

"I'll tell them all but not now, I don't think I can handle any more..." Cale who was once sitting on his bed lay back down he was exhausted, long emotional conversations weren't something he liked particularly.

His could see the worried look of the two, he reassured them before falling asleep.

Deruth got up from his chair to approach the bed, he removed a few folds from Cale's sheets before turning to Basen.

"We will watch over him, I want all my children to be happy, you too Basen. Even though our Cale is far away now, I can't forget all my failures with him and I don't want to repeat that with him now. I have to do everything possible to keep him alive and happy." Deruth tenderly took Cale's hand in his, he would have liked to talk to his other gone son but he had to do something here first before he thought to repair his past mistakes and he has a lot of work to do.

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