Chapter 27**

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Cale got out of the car and those were the only steps he would take today. He had been allowed to attend the celebration on the condition that he go in a wheelchair and not exert himself, of course Cale could only agree. Once seated, it was Basen who led him inside. He could hear the dragon's words on the way.

- "It's been a long time."

Cale agreed with what the Black Dragon was saying in his head.

Cale was currently in Glory Square. A large fence surrounded the northern part of the square which was destroyed by the explosion.

The brigade of Henituse family knights, led by their vice-captain, marched with Cale and Basen at the center of their formation in order to protect them or rather protect him. Even though Cale thought it was excessive their father insisted that they be protected this way.

As they walked towards Cale, he could hear someone say something that gave him chills.

"Oh, Young Master Silver Light! "

Cale immediately began to frown.

He could see the smirk on the vice-captain's face as he let out fake coughs and began to frown even more. The vice-captain lowered his body to whisper in Cale's ear.

"Young Master, I guess they call you «Young Master Silver Light» now. Ahem, nice people like you are bound to have awesome nicknames."

Cale held the harsh words back in his mind.

Young Master Silver Light, Young Master Shield, he didn't want to hear such cheesy and embarrassing things. However, there was nothing Cale could do about it as everything had already been agreed between his father and the crown prince.

All he could do was glare at the vice-captain, who shrugged. While he could hear his brother trying to stop himself from laughing. Cale is one to be ignored by all.

As he approached the entrance he could see the knight and the soldier guarding the entrance.

"Ah, Young Master Cale, Young Master Basen."

"Do you need to verify our identities?" 

The knight shook his head at Basen's question and respectfully opened the entrance.

"Young masters, please come in." 

After passing the knights they continued walking at a leisurely pace.

The Place of Glory.

The king planned to respect the dead and present medals to some people for their actions during the terrorist incident in the square today. Those awarded the awards received the necessary qualifications to stand on the second highest platform today, directly below the king, in the square.

Cale and Basen wore more luxurious black outfits than usual.


"Hyung-nim, you arrived early."

Cale smiled at Eric Wheelsman, who had called him, before Basen led him to their place. It was the place reserved for nobles.

Eric Wheelsman, Amiru, Gilbert and all the other nobles could only look at Cale in silence. He still looked as pale as they saw him earlier.

Cale Henituse refused to accept the Medal of Honor and gave the medal to someone else. Moreover, he dragged his still injured body to participate in the ceremony. Even if the nobles closest to Cale already knew about it, it was still shocking news.

Amiru Ubarr looked at Cale, who was looking at the sky.

"It's a beautiful day today. Probably because we are here to respect those who fell in battle."

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