Chapter 18**

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Cale thought to see if there was anything else he could tell him. Well the other information was... hmm not good to give now.

" No."

Basen sighed in relief at Cale's confusion.

The rest of the day was spent peacefully as Basen got to know the kids while Cale just sat watching them. It was a peaceful moment... until the evening.

A knock came at the door.

The Black Dragon immediately turned invisible again, while the kittens started pretending to be normal kittens while washing their faces.

While Basen and Cale were suddenly surprised, especially at this hour.

"Hyung, another friend of yours?"

"No, I'm not waiting for anyone."

Basen got up with intrigue to go open the door. If the guards let someone through it would certainly be a person they knew or maybe the person forced their way in this case it would have been a dangerous person but after the episode of the bandits he could say that it was impossible despite the absence of Choi han he remained his brother's butler.

He soon met Hans with Choi Han and an unknown person, in addition to a princess from a foreign kingdom. Of course Basen recognized it, he must have learned the faces of important people from other kingdoms since he was the favorite to succeed the count. He just didn't know why she was showing up at his brother's door but his thoughts stopped with the sound of a panicked voice.

"Is Cale-nim there? I need to talk to him, it's urgent!" Choi han looked panicked and in a hurry.

Basen ushered them in, seeing the swordsman's urgency.

" ...You-."

Cale was surprised to see Choi han; he wasn't expecting him for several days.

"Cale-nim. I'm sorry. You're the only person that comes to mind."

A desperate Choi Han stood before him. He seemed to have rushed here as quickly as possible, because it looked like he was a complete mess.

Cale felt like he had seen the scariest thing of his life. Next to Choi Han was Deputy Butler Hans, who had a similar expression to Choi Han, but with a bit of confusion mixed in. However, Cale saw the person who came with Choi Han, as well as the person on Choi Han's back.

The person on Choi Han's back was none other than Lock, a member of the wolf tribe and next to him Princess Rosalyn. Choi Han had collected all the people he needed, he stopped his thoughts to focus on Lock.

"Bring him with you."

Lock of the Blue Wolf Tribe, the successor to the Wolf King, seemed to be in a dangerous state.

Lock was currently in pain before transforming into berserk mode for the first time in his life. Cale didn't know why this state that occurred a year later in the novel was already happening.

However, he looked at everyone around him and said just one thing.

" Do not worry."

Choi Han and Lock, behind Choi Han was Rosalyn. These three people entered Cale's room.

Cale closed the door without letting assistant butler Hans into the room. Cale then showed the bed to Choi Han, who was watching him, to put Lock down.

"Lay him down first."

" Got it."

Choi Han carefully placed Lock on the bed. Cale slowly approached Lock. Lock definitely had the purest blood, making him seem like a weak human. However, he was rather tall for a young boy.

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