Chapter 21**

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Cale was clearly thinking about Basen's proposal, he didn't really want to meet the crown prince after all he knew what kind of person he was. And he clearly didn't like her.

He felt a lot of eyes on him, so he looked up to see many accusing looks from most of the nobles. Even nobles he knew except Taylor and Cage.

"Is there any reason he couldn't come?" Eric asked more out of curiosity, maybe Basen was afraid of what he would say to the Crown Prince, he couldn't think of any other possible reasons.

" Yes he-"

" No it's OK." Cale cut Basen and it was up, he didn't want any more attention on him.

The people turned away when they saw him going with the others. Seeing that he was fine, they just thought the trash was out to show off or something.

Basen sighed but followed them. It seems that Cales' friends are idiots like the other nobles.

Cale stood behind the three nobles and walked towards the platform to meet the crown prince.

"Oh, our Northeastern nobles!"

The crown prince greeted all five of them with a bright smile. The crown prince shook hands with everyone who came to greet him.

Alberu Crossman. His blonde hair and blue eyes look like a living version of a fairy tale prince. The beautiful blonde hair was unique to the Crossman family, the royal family of the Roan kingdom. They called it the symbol of receiving the blessing of the Sun God.

"Your Majesty, it's great to see you." Eric Wheelsman salutes Her Majesty for the first time in a long time.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Eric. Don't we have something to say?"

Eric responded to the crown prince, who raised the issue of investment in the northeast coastline with a cheerful expression.

" Yes ! I've been waiting for a good time to discuss it with you!"

"I'm also waiting for this moment. You are the intelligent young master of Count Wheelsman's family. The Wheelsman family is responsible for the entry to the Northeast region and does a very good job. How could I put this off? »

«He met there slowly.»

Cale stood there quietly while looking at Eric, who was smiling at the crown prince who was slowly activating his casual tongue. The crown prince also praised Gilbert and Amiru. As well as Basen, calling him the exemplary heir of Henituse, even Basen wanted to roll his eyes in front of the prince.

Cale watched all this quietly until it was his turn. The crown prince extended his hand towards Cale who tilted his head slightly.

"Mr. Cale of the Henituse family, responsible for the boundary of our northeast region. This may be the first time I've met you, but thanks to Count Deruth's good work, we are no longer afraid of the Forest of Darkness. You don't know how reassuring this is for me and for everyone."

Cale had a purpose in coming here today.

"I heard that Mr. Cale is a very free spirit. I'm sure it's because the artistic souls of the Henituse territory sculptures gave you a revelation? I feel like your free spirit makes your soul very pure."

It was probably hard to find praise for someone who was famous for being trash like this. In this regard, the crown prince was incredible. However, he had no choice but to speak highly of Cale, as long as Cale didn't do anything trashy during this meeting. The royal family also wanted to control the Northeast. Furthermore, no member of royalty would look down on someone like Count Hénituse, who ruled his territory very well.

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