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"What!" Maya screamed as the car came to a halt in the middle of the street.

"That house...that house looks just like Garretts house!" I stutter out, eyes wide. I've seen those dark blue shutters and that boxy white porch furniture so many times.

"Oh my God Lily, you scared me so bad!" She says going to start the car again.

"Why aren't you as shocked as I am!?" I turn to her eyes still bulging out of my head.

"Well Lily I mean it's cool and all, that's awesome that it reminds you of Garretts life. Maybe it'll make you feel more at home in this neighborhood"

"No Maya you don't looks JUST like Garretts house" I jab my finger towards it to exaggerate my point.

"I'm gonna keep driving now." She says now pulling away from the house. "Let's get some food in you before I have to admit you to a mental hospital okay, you're probably just really hungry"


I look in the mirror, my dark hair curled over my shoulders, I'm wearing a white corset top and black distressed jeans. Stella will be here in just a moment to take us to the party.

A part of me is scared I'm going to embarrass myself and ruin my social chances before school even starts. But I'm trying to stay hopeful that maybe I could make new friends here.

"Lily let's go!" Maya calls from my bedroom. "Stella just pulled up!"

"Coming!" I slip on my white converse and grab my purse from the counter before spritzing myself with body spray and stepping out.

I walk out the door with Maya. Stella is sitting in her car a red jeep wrangler, and another girl is sitting in passenger, she's got long blonde hair and stunning green eyes.

"Hey lovelies! Get in the car!" Stella yells through the open window before we take our seats and accelerate out of the driveway.


As we pull up to the house you can see brightly colored lights shining through the windows, the sound of the music streaming out through the open door. The house is huge with two balconies facing the street and a large wrap around porch. The house is packed full, people spilling out onto the lawn and porch and a few stragglers out on the balconies.

We walk in the music now nearly deafening, teenagers dancing against each other in the large living room and a loud game of beer pong going on in the dining room. Stella and her friend wandered off to find her boyfriend leaving me and Maya to our own devices.

"Let's get some drinks!" I yell over the loud music starting to make my way to the kitchen that I can see through the crowd of people.

Maya just nods her head instead of trying to be heard over the bass coming out of the speakers.

We each grab a plastic cup and fill it up with our preferred drinks. I leaned against the counter deciding where I wanted to move next. Going to a party where you don't know anyone is actually much harder then I expected.

Before I could make a choice I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around! What's your name?" Turning around I came face to face with a tall blonde haired boy, he had deep blue eyes and a sharp jawline and was wearing tight fitted grey shirt and black sweats.

"Oh hi! I'm Lily, and you are....?" I trail allowing him to introduce himself

"Austin" he finishes and adds,"This is my party."

"Oh sorry, I came here with a friend of mine I had no idea. You have a beautiful house."

"Your good" he says chuckling "Does this friend go to Castlemont?"

"Uh ya actually, you might know her. Stella Black?" I ask.

"Oh ya, we know each other." He says rolling his eyes."But we don't need to talk about that"

"Gotcha, doesn't sound like a positive story" I laugh as he palms his face.

"Ya ya, whatever. So what brings you here then?"

"Oh well I just moved here, I'll be going to Castlemont this year."

"That's awesome, let me know if you need anything, I'll be your tour guide." He says with a wink. "I'm gonna go join a game of beer pong if you wanna come find me in a little bit, but umm, you might want to handle that" he says pointing behind me to Maya just staring at the two of us wide eyed, before leaning in and whispering "She's been staring like that the whole time"

He turns around and walks towards the dining area leaving me to a drooling Maya.

"Close your mouth babe." I say laughing at her.

"That man is an adonis Lily, plus he was totally into you, you better snatch him up!"

"Maya I'm not "snatching" anyone" I say before linking our arms, "Now let's go join that game of beer pong."


Cheers and shouts erupt as the ball lands in the last cup, clearing the opposite end of the table with all but one cup on our side left up.

"Dang Lily! You've got some serious skills!" Austin cheers high-fiving me. We've won six games in a row. I would've hoped to win by less, seeing as being drunk usually makes good times even better. But I'm having fun nonetheless.

"You want another drink?" Austin says as if he's read my mind.

"Ya let's go to the kitchen."

Maya left me by myself with Austin four games ago. Deciding on a good target for her affection, a brown haired boy with light brown eyes.

"We should hurry back though, I think some people expect us to continue on our winning streak," he laughs as he pours us both a drink.

"Oh I'm down, let's some them who's boss" I say hyping myself back up "in case you couldn't tell, it's me...I'm boss"

We walk back out of the kitchen in laughter, carrying our drinks with us.


Austin asked for my number before we left the party tonight and by the time I got ready for bed, washing my face, and slipping into some pajamas I heard Maya squeel and yell out to me.

"He texted!" "Hurry and respond, don't leave the handsome man on delivered!"

I walk out of the bathroom and barely manage to catch my phone that may threw at me.

"Maya! What is I didn't catch that and it just hit my face!?"

"Well it didn't did it?" She said looking satisfied with herself.

I look down at my phone and open the text.

Austin (The party guy)-Hey, me and the football boys are driving out to Albany beach tomorrow with a bunch of the seniors, you should join us.

You- Sounds fun, count me in!

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More chapters on there way!

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