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Garretts POV:

Talking about the playoff game was just making me relive that night all over again. Seeing my dad unconscious and bleeding was a picture I could never get out of my head. The memory just kept flashing through my mind as I tried to finish telling Lily the story, it was all I could think about.

"Just promise me you'll stay away from him," I say turning to Lily, I can see the conflict in her eyes, the lack of understanding. "Please?" I'm practically begging at this point. I haven't known Lily for very long, but I feel a sense of loyalty to her, like I need to protect her. I honestly feel like I've known her forever, like she's always been here. 

After a small silence she replies while taking my hand in her own, "I will". 

Relief washes over me as I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I met her eyes and squeezed her hand in mine. And then it was gone, just like that, the image of my father was gone. I felt free, I was no longer tied down by this memory that carried so much hurt. Even when I tried I couldn't bring back the gory sight of my father in that car.

I looked up from our hands again to meet Lily's eyes but they were closed. Her breath was shaky, and she was trembling. 

"Lily?" I said, wondering what was going on but she gave no reply. Her hand in mine became limp and her body no longer held itself up. "Lily!?" I yelled, catching her neck and laying her back on the couch. Her body now shaking violently. 

"Aliya, call 911!" I screamed out, tears now threatening to spill from my eyes, "Now!" She just stood still, staring, like she was in shock or something. I released Lily's hand as I went to reach for the phone myself before Aliya stopped me. 

"Wait no!" Aliya said, yanking the phone out of my hands. 

"What the hell Aliya!" I yell at her, anger now taking over my body along with the fear. I rip the phone back out of her hands and open it before turning back to check on Lily. The sight of her stops me, the shaking had stopped and she was crying, tears slipping down the sides of her face. 

I quickly walk back over to her, taking her hand back in my own, my tears now falling as well. "Lily?" I say again softly, attempting once more to bring her back from the state she was in. "Lily!" 

Finally her eyes open and I cant explain in any words how happy I was to see that beautiful hazel color again. I drop myself down on the couch and sit her up, pulling her into a bone crushing hug as my tears continue to fall. 

"Are you okay?" I ask quickly, pulling away from the hug to meet her eyes, but keeping my arms draped around her waist. 

It takes her a moment to reply but I give her the time she needs. "Ummm, yea I'm fine" 

"I think we should take you to the hospital." I say before standing up to grab my shoes and keys.

"No really I'm fine!" Lily says jumping up after me and reaching for my arm. After she grabs my arm to stop me she quickly drops her hand at the contact. "Ill be okay" she says again.

"Lily you just had a seizure, we need to see what's wrong with you." She has to be okay, I don't know what id do if she wasn't okay.

"I know, I know," She looks like she's thinking intently before she begins speaking again, " I have, uh, well...epilepsy." she stutters out before dropping her head to look at the floor. 

"What?" I say confused, although maybe that's the reason Aliya didn't want me to call for an ambulance. Now she was just sitting across the room on a chair watching mine and Lily's conversation play out. 

"Ya, I've had it for a while" she says more confidently now, and meeting my eyes again, "I probably just forgot to take my pill this morning." 

"Uh yea, your pill" Aliya joins in now, then turning to me says, "That's why I  stopped you from calling. I, uh, knew Lily wouldn't want to get doctors involved when she already knows how to handle it." 

The two girls exchange glances, small smiles lightly gracing their faces. 

"Well... never do that again." I state, "Or your seizures will cause me to have a heart attack." 

Lily chuckled before sitting back down on the couch. "Ill try my best. Now how bout that movie?" 


We started the movie after the girls spent 20 minutes convincing me to watch The Proposal. Little did they know I'm a sucker for chick flicks, but I'm not letting that information out that easily.

Just over halfway through the movie Aliya started to doze off. After falling asleep and waking up a couple times she just went up to Lily's room and went to bed.

It was just me and Lily left in the living room, sharing the couch opposite the TV. She had made herself comfortable early on laying down with her blanket and draping her legs across my lap. My hand rested on her thigh right above her knee as we watched in silence. 

"Will you pass me the popcorn?" Lily asked as she snuggled deeper into the couch cushions. 

"What? Its right in front of you?" I said, chuckling at her request. 

"Yea but if I grab it then I have to reach out of the blanket." She made puppy dog eyes at me, pretend pouting and puffing out her bottom lip

I sigh in mock defeat before reaching across her to grab the bowl, it was farther then I expected and in order to reach it I had to press my body against her own. She shifted at the contact and we quickly met eyes. 

The movie still played in the background but the silence between us seemed louder. Neither of us made any effort to move, and I could feel my breath growing heavier in anticipation. 

I should just kiss her, I thought, but I let my mind get the better of me and began overthinking. What if she doesn't kiss me back? Is it worth risking the friendship? I haven't even known her for that long. 

But the thoughts all stopped when she reached up and gentle traced her finger across my jaw, silently giving me the green light. I'm going to kiss Lily Abrams, I thought, as I moved my face impossibly closer to hers. 


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Soooo sorry about the delay in updates, ill try and write more soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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