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My eyes go wide and my jaw goes slack. I just stare blankly at him literally standing speechless.

He must've noticed my initial shock because his face went red and his smile faltered a little.

"Not what it looks like!" He says quickly before lowering the flowers. "They're to apologize!"

I'm still standing in confusion not having moved from the doorway, trying to understand what he means. What would he be apologizing for?

"Yesterday was kinda weird, and well I wanted to apologize for how things went down. But I'm not good at this stuff and well, ummm, so... I just I got flowers cause I figured you'd like them" He spouted out without even taking a breath.

Relief ran through me as I let out a chuckle before I started full on laughing. Not to long after the smile returned to his face.

"No worries Garrett." I say still laughing lightly, "It was very entertaining to hear you explaining yourself."

"Whatever." Garrett says, joining in the laughing with a wide grin on his face "Can I come in now?"

"Oh ya sorry" I say stepping out of the way and closing the door behind him.


Me and Garrett finished about half of the essay portion of the project we decided to go get something to eat. After all that work we absolutely deserve it.

We pulled into the drive through in Garretts Black Audi. It used to be his dad's work car but when he passed it was given to Garrett.

"I'll have a Double cheeseburger with large fries and a Sprite" Garrett says. "What about you Lils?"

The use of my long time nickname just sounded so much better coming from him.

"I'll have the same actually," I reply, Garrett's ordered the same thing for years. Rarely ever off setting it with chicken nuggets, usually only after he's been drinking. After a couple years of him always ordering the same thing it became a habit of mine too.

"Make that two" he said to the worker through the speaker before getting our total back and pulling up to the window.

I pulled my card out and offered it to Garrett before he entirely ignored it.

"Garrett we're only here because I convinced you." I half yell at him, "I'll pay!'

"No, I'm the man" he said defiantly as though that would end it.

As the worker came up to the window I unbuckled and leaned over reaching out the window.

"Take it!" I yell at the worker before Garretts arm comes shooting out next to my face.

"No take mine!" He yells but it's muffled by my body stretched across his.

The employees eyes widen and begin darting between the card in my hand and the card in Garretts.

Before she can comprehend what's happening I'm yanked back, clumsily falling into a heap across the middle console and Garretts lap.

He tears my card out of my hand and tosses it into the back seat before non- chalauntly turning back to the window.

"Here ma'am." He states a wide grin of victory stretching across his chiseled features.

"I cannot believe you Garrett!" I huff from my discarded and painful place across the front seat.

I look up at him, having not moved from the position he'd pulled me into, only to see him looking back down at me. That same big grin gracing his face as we both stare at eachother, taking in the others features. We sat still for a moment not a word uttered.

"Here's that, is there anything else I can get for you?"

The sound of the employees voice broke us both out of the trance and I quickly clambered back to my own seat as Garrett grabbed our take out bag from the window and began pulling out.

"You're finding my card when we get back." I complained to him before pulling out my burger and digging in.


The clacking of Garretts keyboard was the only sound you could hear in my family room. He was finishing our conclusion and I was strewn across the carpet with my hoodie pulled up barely managing to stay awake.

We had taken turns with each paragraph passing the computer back and forth as the essay slowly progressed on. I have to say as much as I love psychology this class is going to be the worst part of the school year. The teacher already hates me and I know our homework load will only get larger.

I pull out my phone to check the time as Garrett remains focused on his screen. My parents won't be home for another hour or two giving us plenty of time to finish off the project and print us both out a copy.

I turn to look up at the ceiling watching the fan blades spin around eachother. I'm starfished across our living room rug with Garrett sittting next to my torso on the floor. The bag from our takeout is there next to us, as well as various other wrappers and containers of snacks from my pantry.

Before I know it my eyes flutter closed and sleep takes me.

(Garretts POV 😃)

She looks so peaceful laying there, her dark brown hair feathered over her soft features is so beautiful. Im not surprised she fell asleep because I was nearing that point myself.

I picked up the computer and closed it with the completed essay, writing a note for her for in the morning.

Hey Lils, I finished that conclusion just needs printed, you can return my laptop once your done.
-Your Favorite Partner

I stuck the note to the computer and put it on the couch, turning back to the gorgeous girl before me.

I don't want to just leave her here in the family room, I'm certain if she sleeps on the floor all night she'll wake up not very happy. If I know anything about Lily it's that she values sleep over anything.

I slowly lower myself to her level before placing one of my arms under her neck and the other under her legs. Picking her up bridal style I ascend the stairs to her bedroom.

Her bed is perfectly made and the lamp shines across her plants leaving an earthy glow in her room. I lay her down on the mattress and gently pull up the blanket at the end of her bed to cover her.

"You're beautiful" I whisper as I begin to walk towards the door, looking back once to see her roll over, cuddling herself into her bed.

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