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Maya left yesterday because we both have to start school tomorrow, so I guess I'm left to my own mind now. After very thorough discussions and about seventeen different pros and cons lists I've decided to not talk to Garrett. The past couple days since I've seen him I haven't had any memories or dreams. I'm hoping maybe I'll finally be able to just be a normal teenager.

I've never been able to have that opportunity, never had a boyfriend, never went to junior prom, never had my first kiss. All those things I missed out on by being caught in Garretts world too.

I don't know why the memories stopped.  I never knew why they started in the first place. Maybe I'll find out some day, but right now I'm just grateful to be normal again. Or at least somewhat normal, I'm still mentally unstable, but I'm not sure anybody could ever change that.

When I finally decide to get out of bed after laying awake for the past hour, I hear my phone ping.

Austin- Hey do you have any plans today?

Me and Austin have been texting every day since the party. It's great to know that I'll have a friend going into this school year. Oh, two friends actually, that girl Aliya from the beach invited me and Maya to the Mall a couple days ago and we've been texting a little bit too.

You- Nope nothin

I send the message before putting my phone down and starting to get ready for the day. I get dressed in a green cropped sweater and light washed jeans before going to the bathroom and fixing my hair and face.

By the time I get back to my room Austin has already replied.

Austin - Bowling?

Bowling definitely is not on my list of favorite things to do, but I'm just glad to be keeping busy. With all the stuff that's happened with Garrett keeping myself busy and away from my own thoughts is the only way I'll remain sane enough to get good grades as school starts.

You - Sure

Austin - I'll pick you up at 8:00

You - 👍

Part of the whole not talking to Garrett thing is supposed to include not spending time thinking about all of it. In case you couldn't tell, I'm definitely failing at that part.

As happy as I am that the memories have stopped or taken a break )I'm not even sure yet), theres a part of me that misses Garrett. His life has become that a part of my own that to have it taken out makes my life feel a little empty.


Austin honks his horn from the street while im lacing up my shoes and I hurry out the front door, sliding into the passenger seat and buckling up.

"Hey Lils!" Austin says as soon as I'm in the car, smiling wide and meeting my eyes.

I smile back lightly trying to enjoy my time with Austin despite my mind racing over everything I told myself I was going to ignore.

"You feeling alright Lily?"

"Ya, ya of course." I say trying to shake off my anxiety and once again return a smile "Let's go"


"What size shoe are you?" Austin calls to me from the counter.

"7 and a half" I reply as I grab both mine and Austin's bowling balls and carry them to our lane.

I assumed when he'd invited me that it would be with the whole senior class but it's just the two of us tonight. Not that I mind, im not sure my social battery could survive more than just Austin tonight.

Austin returns with our shoes and we both sit down in the booth to lace them up before Austin takes his first turn.

"You ready for this Abrams?" I quirk an eyebrow at the nickname and chuckle up at him.

He lines the ball up perfectly and launches it down the lane knocking down all ten pins for a strike.

"Are you kidding me Austin!" I yell as I stand up "You should have told me you were so good! I wouldn't have come!"

"Exactly why I didn't." He smirked as I got closer to him, "Now show me what you got"

"You turned the bumpers on for me right," I question as he continues to smile widely.

"Where's the fun in that?" He replies still wearing his boyish grin.

"Your such a tease, you know that right," hitting him on the shoulder I turn around to pick up the ball anyway.

I try to line it up before sending it as fast as I can towards the pins, it goes about six feet before spinning to the left side and going straight into the gutter.

"This is why I use bumpers" I say turning around to face Austin again.

"Ya, hate to break it to you Lily, but your form is terrible"

"My form! It's bowling Austin, Its not like I'm shooting a free throw!"

"Actually they're not as different as you'd think" he says as he picks up my ball and walks towards me "Here let me show you."

He hands me the ball and grabs me by the waist. Turning my body and adjusting my stance.

"Here now point this foot as you move forward" he touches my leg and turns it, "Take a couple steps, and then swing this arm down strong" grabbing my shoulder and then demostrating what he means, "And finally release when you get to the bottom of the swing"now touching my hand he finally looks up to meet my eyes.

The boyish features looking much different from up close, his jawline is sharper then I'd thought and his eyes really are so pretty.

I clear my throat and he backs away still holding eye contact. I follow the steps he said and watch as the ball glides down the lane hitting all but two pins.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Austin yells picking me up and congratulating me.

We finished the game off at 62 to 126, pretty sure it's obvious who's score is who's. Before we climbed back into Austins car and drove back home.

Thank you for reading! Sorry I haven't updated!

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