Who's This?

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"Garrett! Will you come downstairs please!" Mom called up to me from the kitchen. Of course she needs me as soon as I lay down and get comfortable.

Reluctantly I got out of bed and walked down the stairs.

"What do you need mom?" I say walking into the kitchen.

"Your dad will be home from work in a few minutes, will you please set the table for dinner?"

"Yea. Is Cole home tonight?" I ask as I start to pick up plates and forks.

"Yes, he's upstairs. Will you actually go get him to take the garbage out?"


"Dad I'm exhausted, can we please run more drills another day?" I say bent over and out of breath.

"Ya we can." He says and I know there's a "but" coming. "But....(called it)..... we're finishing these ones up today. I'll definitely add more drills to your schedule for another day though. Nice to see some more dedication." He's grinning like he's so proud of himself for that response.|

"Come on Kota!" I say calling him along with me on my run. Ever since dad passed it's been a routine of ours every other day I get up early for school and go on a four mile run with Kota.

Dad got me Dakota for my 14th birthday. Id been begging for a dog since 6th grade and he was so happy to finally oblidge and gift me one. Ever since he's been my best friend, gone nearly everywhere with me.

We got to the intersection where the car accident happened. I remember the pain I felt but I can no longer picture the crash. The memory of it vanished as if taken from me. On one hand I'm grateful, I know that if I could still picture it I'd replay it in my head over an over. But it's also painful, knowing I can't picture my dad the last moment he was here with us. Doing what he did best and being a support to me.|

"Dad! Dad! Look what I drew!" I call out to him as he enters the house from work. Running up with the paper flapping in my hand. I hold it up showing it off with pride. I drew a picture of me and him fishing on the lake.

"Oh buddy it looks so good!" "Let's hang it on the fridge!" He grabs it out of my hand and walks me over to the fridge with him, grabbing a free magnet and placing it up there.

"Why don't we get mom to come see it!" He says to me causing me to grin and run out of the kitchen to get her.|

"Lily! Wake up!" Austin's saying leaning over me.

Maya has sat down and put my head on her lap, she's stroking my hair.

"Are you okay?" She says as I open my eyes.

"Uhh...well, uh, yea" I stutter, my eyes still wide. When I blacked out Garretts memories played through my head, one after the other, memory after memory. Some from when he was young, and some much more recent. It was like every part of his life I'd already seen replayed once again. The happy moments, the sad, all of it.

I sit up quickly, looking around. Trying to verify I did just see that. My eyes land on him, he's wearing a black tight shirt and grey swim trunks. His brown hair has been trimmed slightly nonlonger hanging over his face quite as much, and those eyes, those eyes I've often stared in the mirror at, seen the world through.

"Garrett?" I ask in a whisper, my voice hoarse and quiet. Maya turns her head, following my gaze. Wyatts standing next to him, both of them looking at me, confusion etched onto their faces.

"Uh, who's this girl Austin?" Wyatt says, eye brows raised."Maya?" He turns to ask her too.

Before they can respond I introduce myself "uh I'm Lily." I say realizing Garrett doesn't recognize me at all, I've seen him so many times, heard his voice, I know almost as much about his as I know of myself. But he's never once seen me.

"She's coming to Castlemont this year, she just moved up from LA." Austin finishes before turning to me once again,"What happened?" "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Sorry I, uh, I thought I saw something." "Actually I'm not feeling very good, do you think you could take me and Maya back home?"

I could see the confusion and worry set into Mayas face but she doesn't question anything just stands up with me.

"Oh ya, of course, I'll grab your bag" Austin says, standing up himself.

He said his goodbyes and grabbed his stuff too. Aliya came up to me and told me that it was fun playing with me and meeting me and that she'd love to get to know me more, and then we all got in the car and left. Leaving an obviously confused Garrett and Wyatt behind on the beach.


"Kay, I know you we're lying back there to appease Austin, so tell me right now what's going on?" Maya says immediately after closing the door from getting home with Austin.

I let it all out ranting to her. Once again bringing up the house, and Wyatt. Finishing my rambling with seeing Garrett, and how all the memories I'd seen before played through my head.

"Lily I'm so sorry I didn't believe you!?" Maya said genuinely apologetic before pulling me into a hug, "I just saw it as an unrealistic possibility, then again my past theory wasn't very realistic anyway."

"Ya, never once throughout the years of dealing with this did I think I'd one day meet him!" I nearly yell, still somewhat in shock. Am I dreaming? "Maya pinch me."

"Babe I'm not doing that, I saw him too." Maya says rolling her eyes at me. "Not gonna lie tho, Garrett is fine!" "You're telling me that's who's life you saw everyday? Who's face you saw everyday?!"......."You lucky duck."

"Maya that is not what we should be thinking about right now!" I say, surprised that was her initial thought when finding this out.

"Let's just make some dinner and then go to bed," Maya grabs my hand and walks me to the kitchen with her,"We were at the beach all afternoon, I think tonight calls for a movie night. And we'll deal with all this, whatever it is, tomorrow"

Hey lovelies😊

This was my favorite chapter to write so far so I hope you enjoyed!

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