The Project

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The rest of the school week went by fairly uneventfully, except of course the awkwardness between Austin and Garrett. I don't know what's between those boys but everytime they're near each other tension is at an all time high.

All week long lunches have been a steaming pot for conflict and angry glances. Conversations have been wittled down to small talk about homework and football between the boys, each time Wyatt trys to get Garrett to be involved, hoping that if he can get him to talk about it he'd also get him to try out.

I'm currently walking out to my car after school on Friday, Garretts coming over today and to say I'm nervous is an understatement. Every class we have together we're caught in glances at eachother and I can feel his gaze burning into the back of my head.

Austins texted me a few times throughout the week asking to hang out and each time I've made up an excuse. Until I can figure out why Garrett said what he did I'm trying to avoid getting closer to him.

Breaking me out of my thoughts I hear my phone ping with a notification.

Garrett- I'll be at your house in a half an hour, I have to drop Wyatt home

You- Sounds good

I send the text as I hop in my car, turning the keys and starting to pull out.
I'm halfway out of the parking spot when I notice Austin not so subtly flagging me down.

"Lily!" He calls out my name as I stop, he finally stops flailing his arms around as he comes up to my window. "Look, I can tell you've been avoiding me okay, and I don't know why, but I can't just sit here without telling you how I feel."

He leans his arms on my window frame leaning in to talk to me, "I'll give you time to figure it out, I'm sure with everything and you just moving that it's all confusing for you, But I like you Lily I really do."

Before I could form words in response he reaches his hand out gently grabbing my chin and puts his lips on mine. I melt into his kiss before I remember what's happened in the past, pulling away quickly as dark spots begin to cloud my vision. As quickly as they appeared they left as did his lips from my own

Austin pulls away as well staring down at me and pulling his bottom lip into his mouth. He backs his head out of my window and without letting him say anything else I back out as fast as possible and pull out of the parking lot not slowing at all to look back.


The doorbell rings and I stand up from the couch, quickly walking to the door to welcome Garrett in.

After exchanging hellos we settle down in the family room to work on the project. We decided to do our mock experiment today and are meeting up tomorrow to work on the essay.

"So the instructions say to use a blindfold and earmuffs to experiment on how different sense deprivations will affect the brain and heart rate of the subject, and then to record how the subject reacts on the sheet here." I read out to Garrett from the paper pamphlet Mrs. Brighton gave us.

"Okay, so I'll put on the earmuffs, and you can experiment with different things to see how I react, and after we'll switch and you can put on the blindfold." Garrett proposes the idea and I agree before we start setting up the monitors.

I pull out my soundproof headphones and Garrett puts them on.

I don't really know what im supposed to be doing but I guess I just need to see how his lack of hearing affects what his brain is processing. I suddenly think of an idea and write down my hypothesis on the data sheet, stepping closer to him I start my plan.

"I hate you" I say as I smile reaching out and touching his shoulder. "You're the most annoying person I've ever met." This time I sit next to him swinging my legs over his own. His eyes follow my every move.

"Your smile makes me nauseous." I lean in this time placing my palm to his chest. "I wish I never met you Garrett" I look into his eyes which are already taking in every inch of me, but before I can move any more or say anything else the heart rate monitor begins beeping at a rapid pace.

I grab the monitor to see what it says and the bpm reads as 126. His heart is literally racing. I hand Garrett the monitor for him to look at and after seeing it he quickly takes off the headphones. I stand up as Garrett tries  to come back to his senses standing up himself too and stepping away from me.

"Ummm it's your turn." Garrett says nervously, "I'll help you tie the blindfold."

He picks the strip of blue fabric up off the coffee counter and I turn around so my back is facing him. He softly pulls my hair behind my ears and places the blindfold over my eyes. After tying it he helps me sit down on the couch.

I sit in silence for a moment, my heart rate already beginning to pick up in anticipation.

I feel him gently touch my wrist before trailing it up my arm all the way to the white spaghetti strap of my tank top, causing shivers to follow wherever he touches.

He steps between my legs forcing them apart with his knee as I feel his other hand cup my right cheek. I'm sure my heart rate is already sky rocketing at this point. But I don't make any move to stop him.

I can feel his hot breath right next to my ear, "You're stunning Lily." He says slowly, enunciating each word carefully.

The heart rate monitor begins beeping once again, but neither of us makes any effort to move from the places we sit.

Garrett lightly holds my jaw as he undoes the knot behind my head, letting the blindfold fall to the couch next to me. He leans in until our lips are nearly touching, I close my eyes in anticipation and he follows. I can feel him lean in impossibly closer before a loud knocking resounds from the front door.

Garrett and me both coil away from the other at record speed, almost as though we'd been burned. Without another warning Aliya comes barging into the room flopping herself down next to me and beginning her usual rant about nonsense. Me and Garrett steal awkward glances at eachother while trying to pretend nothing happened as she continues on.


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