My First Day

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I could already here the loud chatter of all the students before I even stepped foot in the door. This school is so much bigger than my last and in not sure whether I'm excited or terrified, definitely leaning towards terrified.

Not to mention the fact that Garretts here. Which is a whole different thing, how am I supposed to just ignore him when I know so much about him, things hes never said to anyone.

I make my way to the office to get my schedule and locker number and code. The secretary greats me before asking for my name and handing me the paper schedule.

I make my way through the halls to my locker before dialing the padlock to the correct code.

As I slide my books into the locker i hear a familiar voice behind me.

"Dude you have to try out for the team again this year!" Wyatt says to Garrett as they open the two lockers across the hall from my own.

"Wyatt I already told you it's not happening!" Garretts voice is angry now, I understand why he's so set on not continuing basketball. But I know it's been his dream, and that he would definitely have a future in it if he would just get over his fear.

Before I can continue pondering Garrett and all the things I know he's feeling right now Austins standing next to me looking over my shoulder at the schedule.

"Awesome! We have the same schedule!" He says pulling his out of his backpack.

"Where's your locker?" I ask as I smile at him glad to be able to go through this day with him.

"Just across the hall, I'm right next to Garrett" he says pointing towards where Garrett and Wyatt are still standing.

At the sound of his name Garrett turns around and looks at us. I meet his eyes, the same eyes I've seen through that old mirror hanging in his bathroom. And watch as his jaw ticks naturally when he's confused.

"You're the girl from the beach," Garrett says to me still holding eye contact, "Lily right?"

"Uuhh, ye...yea." So much for not talking to him, I regain my thoughts and reply once again," Sorry, yes, and you are?"

It felt weird to ask him that when I know him like he knows himself. But I remembered that I was never introduced to him because we left the beach so quickly after him and Wyatt arrived.

"Oh I'm Garrett" he said as a small grin appeared on his face, " And this is.."

"I'm Wyatt" he interrupted and reached out his hand for me to shake, ever the gentleman.

"Theyre both on the football team." Austin said trying to help me place them, even though I already knew nearly everything about these boys.

The bell rang and I was grateful for the escape from the anxiety inducing conversation.

"Oh well see you guys In class I guess." I say as I start walking away as fast as I can while still looking normal.

"Wait up!" Austin calls out catching up with me and walking with me to our first class.

I'm back home after a long day of school and I swear ive never gotten this much homework on a first day back. We already have an English partner assignment which I'm so grateful to have been partnered with Aliya for, seeing as her and Austin are the only two people in the whole of the senior class I actually know yet.

Aliya is gonna come over later to work on it but until then I'm taking a much needed nap. Throwing off my backpack I collapse on my bed almost immediately dozing off.

I wake up to the sound of the doorbell ringing and shuffle out of bed before racing down the stairs to answer it. My parents both won't be home from work until late, my dad has showings until 6 most days and then usually files paperwork in his office until 9 or 10. And Moms nursing shifts are from 10 am to 10 pm so I'm often on my own for the most part.

I open the door and greet her.

"Hey Lily!" Aliya says before pulling me into a hug "I am so glad we're partners for the project!"

"Me too, If I had gotten anyone but you or Austin I'd have a panic attack" I say and we both chuckle.

We settle down in our livng room and I grab some snacks from the pantry.


"Oh but he was definitely flirting with you!" Aliya says laughing loudly. Its already around 8 and we finished the project about an hour ago and have just been talking since.

"No way!" I reply not believing her, "Austin totally only veiws me as a friend."

"Girl you must be totally blind, youve got him wrapped around your finger."

"Do not!" I say lightly punching her in the arm as she continues to giggle at me.

"You guys have basically been on a date already! That whole bowling thing was way to romantic for you to be just friends" And right on cue as if he could hear us talking my phone pinged with a text from Austin.

Austin- You have a good first day?

"I'm so right, watch this, let me prove it to you." Aliya says snatching the phone right out of my hands and typing away before handing it back.

You- Pretty good, thanks to you 😉

"Aliya! I cannot believe you just sent that!" I go to send another message, "I'm telling him that was you."

"Not so fast girly," she says once again snatching the phone from my hands, "Wait till he responds."

I ignore her and reach for the phone trying to get it back but she holds it above her head. And I reach up higher to grab it before she pulls it back down again. We're basically wrestling eachother at this point while I try to get the phone from her. As we fall off the couch to the ground she releases the phone and it slides across the floor.

We both stand up to grab it but before either of us reaches it the phone dings announcing a text from Austin.

Aliya smiles in victory as I quickly grab the phone to read his message.

Austin- Good to know! I could say the same to you☺️

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