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I stood in shock not knowing how to answer. He just held my gaze, once again encapsulating me in his bright blue eyes. I opened my mouth multiple times to speak, running through scenarios in my head. It was like those slow motion scenes in movies where the girl thinks through what's happening, except it wasn't in slow motion and the reasonable time to respond had already well passed.

I took a deep breath finally deciding on an answer for him, "I agree, it feels like I know you too." Its the honest truth, and it might be easier to handle if he knows at least a part of it.

"Friends?" He asked reaching out his hand and I grabbed it.


It's scary to think maybe he feels something too, maybe he can read me too well. I don't know what he's thinking but I'm happy to know he sees some sort of a link to me. It only makes me more curious as to what these visions are and why they happened.

He shook my hand before letting go and walking with me back inside towards the table everyone was at. As we walked in Aliya just gave me eyes questioning me and I just mouthed to her "later".

I'm not sure yet whether I'm going to tell Aliya everything but it would be nice to have her know. I'm scared if I share too much I'll be the outcast again like I was in L.A. But something about Aliya tells me she'll understand.


Aliya stood in shock mouth open only just hearing a small portion of it all. I told her about the visions or dreams whatever you wanna call them. And how I figured it was something entirely different and never would have imagined he would be a real person I'd meet one day.

"So that's why you freaked out and fainted on the beach!" She yells as though she's solved a mystery. "it all makes so much sense now."

"Ya but what do I do?" I ask grateful she's taken it so well and entirely believed me.

"I think you've handle it pretty well" she says lying down on my bed next to me. "Trying to be friends with him is probably the best idea."

"It's nice to have you know, I was getting a little bit anxious about it all!" I confess grateful to have another friend on my side.

"What are they like though?" She asks now turning to face me, "Do you feel like you are him in some way?"

"If I'm being honest, it's not really like that." I reply trying to express the feeling in words, " I don't feel as though I am him, but I definitely feel like he's a part of me now."

"Well that makes sense, I mean you'd have to know a lot about him right?"

"Oh ya, I've seen almost as much of his life as I do of my own" it feels so good letting it all off my chest. Its different then it is with Maya. Since she's been here through it all its much more normal to her. Its sort of a relief that Aliya sees it as something harder to carry.

"It must be hard to see him now, knowing he doesn't know you huh?" She asks concern in her voice and sympathy in her eyes.

"Ya, I think it's the hardest part about it all, is him being in my real life now"


"Lily... Lily?" I wake up to two hands waving in front of my face, before the blanket I was under gets torn from the bed. "We were supposed to be at Austin's 30 minutes ago!" 

Aliya proceeds to grab her backpack from the floor and start shoving her school stuff back in. I begin to sit up as I remember falling asleep after telling Aliya everything. I haven't been getting good sleep for the past few days so I'm grateful for the nap as it was very much needed.

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