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So maybe my reality wasn't flipped, I obviously watch to many crime shows cause I was definitely preparing myself for some dark stuff, and maybe Stella's more dramatic then id been led to believe. But that doesn't change the fact that Austin's still a cheater, fight or no fight, that's cheating. Does that make him a terrible person though? I let my mind run wild as I lay on my bed staring up at my ceiling, Aliya's gonna be here soon cause last period should've gotten out about 10 minutes ago.

Of course I'm not going to pursue anything romantically with Austin at this point, I barely know him, how am I supposed to trust he's not still the same guy that cheated on Stella. Plus now I have to consider Garrett in this too. Do I even want something romantic with him, or Garrett? But should I cut him out entirely? Do I let our friendship keep growing even though I know he wants more?

A knock at my door breaks me from my thoughts and I swing my legs over the edge of my bed to go answer it.

"Hey Girl!" I'm immediately greeted with Aliya's loud voice as soon as the door cracks open.

"You know you don't have to knock anymore you can just come right in." I let out a soft chuckle and open the door wider so she can step in, "My parents are never home till late anyway."

"You're so lucky that you basically have your own house all day," She says leading into a complaint about her own parents, "My dad sits on the coach watching whatever ALL DAY and ordering me around like his house maid."

Although my parents aren't super present in my life I've always been grateful for how much they do to show me they love me. I think ever since the flashbacks started though they just really struggle to connect with me, its like because they don't understand why they're happening they assume they wont be able to help me understand how to live with them.


I told Aliya about meeting Stella at the diner and about everything with Austin, cutting out the screams, tears, and overall dramatics. But she still looked stunned despite the lack of good storytelling on my part.

"I never would've taken Austin for a cheater!" She exclaimed after a moment of silence, " I mean I've only known him since summer but he never struck me as that kind of guy. "

"Yea the good ones hide it best," I say scoffing a little and flopping down next to her on the bed. " I do need to talk to Garrett now though, apparently being a cheater is not his biggest fault."

"Invite him over tonight!" Aliya beams at me looking at me as though the biggest light bulb just flipped on in her head. "You're parents have that cancer charity gala, or ball, or whatnot tonight right?"

"Well ya, but what does that have to do with Garrett?" I say trying to connect the dots of what she's saying.

"I know Garrett, and if there's one thing he hates, its opening up." she replies, "This is gonna take us a long time, that's why its good your parents won't be home. Ill start popping popcorn."

"I'm not sure that's necessary." I laugh out, but I pull out my phone anyway and send Garrett a text asking if he wants to come hang out at my place tonight.

Just us?

The reply comes back within seconds and I try to stop myself from smiling. I know that's like the bare minimum guys but I can't be bothered to think that logically.

Aliya's here too

Oh, ok, yea sure

I go downstairs to find Aliya, of course popping popcorn in my kitchen. I swear all this girl does is eat.

Before too long the doorbell rings announcing Garretts arrival. Aliya is already on her second bag of popcorn and she's not making any move towards the door. So I get up from my seat on the couch and open it.

"Hey!" Garrett says, he's got the biggest grin on his face and I can't help but smile back.

"Come on in." I move out of the way of the door and watch as he waltzes in like he owns the place plopping down onto the couch where I had been sitting.

"So what are we doing? Watching a movie?" He questions reaching for the remote on the coffee table in front of him. Id much rather watch a movie with him then play good cop-bad cop with Aliya for a full on interrogation.

"Actually..." I slowly pull the remote out of his hand and set it back on the table, earning me a very confused look from him, " We have some questions" I say gesturing between me and Aliya.

"Oh absolutely not!" he stands up quickly obviously trying to make an exit, " This..." he says pointing to the both of us "...Terrifying"

"Hold on, we're not that scary." I say as I step in front of him, shooting him an I'm so innocent grin.

"That's what you think, " he mumbles before returning to his spot on the couch in mock defeat.

I exchange a look with Aliya that tells her to be nice, she's an angel when she wants to be, but she rarely ever wants to be. I take a seat next to Garrett as he watches me carefully, clearly trying to read me to see what I'm thinking. He meets my eyes for a moment before dramatically sighing and running his hand down his face.

"Fine Lils, what are the questions?" he looks like he's second guessing himself but eventually gives in to it and just sits there waiting for my response.

"Well.." I turn to look at him now, purposefully taking a while to annoy him more, " You told me to stay away from Austin. I want to know why."

"Nope, No, that's a question I'm not willing to answer." he says defiantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You can't just warn me away from a guy and give me no reason." I say with clear frustration in my voice.

" I said no." This time he enunciates every syllable, making dead eye contact with me, and keeping his arms folded tense against himself.

"I guess I have no reason to not kiss him again then," I say sighing like its a chore, trying to hide the smirk that's creeping onto my lips. Garretts demeanor automatically changes, his jaw goes slack and his hands drop into his lap as he just stares at me. I turn to look at Aliya whos just chomping down on popcorn as I pull out my phone. "You think he's free right now?" I ask directed at her, " I should just text him, sure he wouldn't mind coming over, pulling a quickie right?"

The phone is ripped out of my hand before I could even open the screen. Garretts glaring daggers at me, but once I make eye contact with him they soften.

"Fine, ill tell you," He says, as he reaches over and snatches the popcorn off Aliya's lap. If looks could kill he'd be dead already " But I get the popcorn."

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Sorry for not updating in a while!


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