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"Wait he said he wanted to kiss you?" Aliya questioned, obviously getting excited over the new details. After we got back to my house we gathered a load of snacks and went up to my room, settling down to gossip likely for hours on end.

"What! No, not at all, just his thoughts may or may not have been about possibly kissing me" I mutter back, still not quite sure how to feel about it. Don't get me wrong Garrett is beyond handsome, I swear that man was crafted by Gods. His jawline was chiseled perfectly to match his facial features, and his eyes are the prettiest blue I've ever seen. Not to mention his abs, and how insane his V line is and...What I meant to say is like he's hot and all, but wouldn't that be weird?

I shove my face with sour patch kids to stop myself from saying something stupid, and turn back to Aliya hoping shell carry the conversation so I don't have to talk about Garrett again. But seeing as he's the only interesting thing in either of our lives I'm sure he'll be the main topic of conversation.

And I was totally right. We spent the whole night talking about Garrett and I had to pretend I hadn't been thinking about how fine he was. But its not like it means anything, I mean I think plenty of guys are hot. 


"How are you feeling?" Austin asks coming up and standing behind me while I pull my books out of my locker. "After you just left on Saturday you had me worried, and you never texted me."

I felt bad not talking to Austin since the kiss, but I had no clue what I was supposed to say. And quite frankly I still don't. The first kiss we had was in a game, it was a lot easier to just pretend it was no big deal, but now that I've kissed him twice it probably is a big deal. I definitely didn't think through the consequences of testing my theory before I just kissed him. It worked though, it caused another flashback, a weird and still very confusing one, but a flashback none the less.

I guess it wasn't really a flashback, I got so used to calling them that because that's how they started out, they were just his memories, but now that they're in the present I guess flashback doesn't really fit anymore, they're more like visions really although I never want to consider myself a visionary so calling them that is out of the window. I keep thinking of a new word to call them by when I realize I still haven't responded to Austin. Id got so caught in thinking about everything that the words he'd spoken had all but fallen on deaf ears.

"Oh um, I'm fine, I think I just had to much to drink, I don't really remember much from Saturday" Well obviously that's a lie. But what am I supposed to say? "I just kissed you to see if I would get back in Garrett's mind and it worked."  Cause that's a hard No for me.

"Oh, well nothing really happened I guess, you uh shouldn't worry about it" Austin stutters out, rubbing the back of his neck and looking towards the ground. He taps his foot against the tile a few times in silence before offering an awkward goodbye and turning on his heel.

Well that definitely didn't make me feel better about lying. I want to be friends with Austin, but when I have to keep so many secrets its beginning to get really hard. I guess that's one upside to having no friends back in LA, there were no secrets either.



I feel a soft hand reach over to my shoulder, rubbing it slightly to shake me out of my daze. I brush off my thoughts, that were entirely consuming my focus to look towards the person that reached out. Garretts hand is still resting on my shoulder, a small smile on his face. he nods his head towards the front of the classroom before letting out a chuckle as I turn to Mrs. Brighton, our psychology teacher.

"Mrs. Abrams, please keep your focus in my class, now will you please read the next section on page 14."

"Oh yes, sorry Mrs. Brighton..." I read the next few paragraphs in the book explaining the experimentation process of the Sensory Deprivation experiment. Garretts eyes remained fixed on me the whole time. That same small smile beginning to take a permanent place in his features.

After I finish my reading Mrs. Brighton announces a group project and begins calling out students names and their partners. I turn back once again to look at Garrett only to make eye contact with him as he was already looking at me. 

"Can we talk after class?" Garrett asks. 

"Uuuumm, well uh what about? " I ask not only nervous, but worried. Both feelings obvious in my tone and stuttering when I responded to him.

Garrett began to reply when Mrs. Brighton called both of our names cutting him off, our attention once again being directed to the front and the short slim lady standing next to the scribbled on whiteboard.

"Since you two seem to be such great friends today you may work together on the group project." She says pushing her horn rimmed glasses back to the top of her nose and continuing stating the requirements for the assignment. " It is due next Monday, and I expect your best efforts. Id like each group to write an essay on the experiment, as well as conduct a mock up of the experiment and record your findings, heart rate monitors will be available to each group you can pick them up from the nurses office during lunch." 

My eyes find Garretts for at least the 15th time this class, I'm seriously starting to lose count. 

"Nevermind about it," Garrett says before closing his book and starting to put it in his backpack. "Lets talk about that project at lunch, Ill get the monitor." 

And with that the bell rang loudly through the small classroom and the empty hallways outside the door. He quickly picked up his bag and hurried out the door before I could reply or even process.


Thank you for reading!

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