Fight or Flight

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Blacking out hadn't brought on a vision, just a searing headache and a bruised back from falling against the countertop.

I woke up to my blaring alarm the next morning splayed out across my bathroom floor. Despite the fact that I spent the better half of the night on the floor I actually got a fairly good night's sleep.

I hurriedly got dressed for school in a pair of tan flair leggings and an oversized white hoodie. Slipping on my white vans I race out the door to my car grabbing a banana off the kitchen counter on my way. With the early morning I have at school and the late nights both my parents have been working I haven't even really seen them since the move. Although that's not a new thing, their jobs have always been more important than me. It's why I always was jealous of Mayas family, because they actually are one.

As my mind drifts back to Maya and her family I remember I haven't talked to her in a while, we both knew that with the move we'd grow distant but I'd do everything in my power to change that.

As I slip into the driver's seat I put my phone on the magnet holder as I press the green call button, the dial sound ringing through the car.

"Heeeyyy Girrrll" she answers as the dial tone comes to a sudden stop, everything as normal and perfect as ever.

"Hello lovely," I chuckle back as a smile makes it's way onto my features as I envision her messy hair and tired face lighting up at my contact name gracing her phone screen.

"How have things been at Castlemont?" she asks, tiredness very present in her tone. Our school in LA doesn't have a class until 8:45, so her still being in bed is not a surprise.

"Honestly...." I trail off trying to decide which eventful story to start with, "Pretty wild."

"Tell me all about it," Maya starts to get excited, her voice not hiding anything. I'm sure with me not in LA that her drama circle has died down significantly. She always got a kick out of any new flashback or dream I had. As she once told me she's a "dramaholic".

I start with the diner, leading into the story of the first senior party, and going on to explain everything else. By the time I reach the school my car had been filled with countless gasps, squeals and more than it's fair share of laughter.

I say a dramatic goodbye to Maya as I grab my backpack from the back seat and begin to escape the confines of my Mini Cooper.

Before I get far I can hear the energetic and familiar voice of Austin. I turn towards the sound hoping to walk into school with him when I see Garrett standing next to him.

If looks could kill Austin would be dead by now. Garrett stared at Austin a deep and dark look in his usually bright eyes, the only time I've ever seen his eyes that dark was in his own mirror after his mother hits him. I can tell he's trying to keep his voice low as he steps even closer to Austin. He grabs the front of his shirt pulling him impossibly closer to his angered face.

Garrett utters a few words, but he's too far away for me to tell what he's saying. Austins face turns to one of anger too now before he shoves Garrett off of him and turns in the opposite direction, stomping off towards the front doors of the school.

I watch for a moment longer, but to my misfortune Garrett turns and catches my eye. I turn as quick as I can pretending I didn't see anything and walking towards the doors right after Austin.

I pick up the pace as I hear Garretts footsteps close behind me, but I ignore his presence. Luckily my first class is homeroom and Garrett is in Mr. Ralpers class while I'm in Ms. Whortons. Not even stopping at my locker I go straight to class avoiding our hallway of lockers altogether, and in the process avoiding Garrett and Austin.


Lunch came way to fast, I'd spent my best efforts avoiding both boys. I saw them both in the hallways multiple times but each time managed to avoid whether it was to swing myself into the women's restroom or carry on without dropping books off in my locker.

The weight of my backpack due to holding all of my books now starting to take a toll on my bruised back.

As I walked into the cafeteria I knew my avoidance had to end now. If I didn't sit at our regular table I'd make something that could be small turn into something much more dramatic.

By the time I get to the table everyone is already there, there are two seats available at the table, one by Austin and one by Garrett.

"Come sit here Lily!" The boys both say at the same time before glaring daggers at each other. The once tension free table now anything but.

I stand stock still looking between the both of them before turning to Aliya with a look of utter confusion and nervousness in my eyes. She must have recognized my plea for help as she quickly speaks up.

"Actually boys I need to talk to Lily, so neither of you get her today." She quickly stands up, grabbing her bag on her way and yanks me by my arm to the nearest exit.

"Okay so what was that?" She breaks the silence as the door the the girls restroom swings to a close.

"Wouldn't I like to know." I say, forcing a chuckle, but Aliya can see right through me, knowing that I most definitely don't think it's funny.

"I know that nervous laughter....what happened." She shoves the door stop under the door to create privacy for us as though she runs the school and turns to face me again, "Spill"

I dramatically sigh, as I let it all out. Garretts warning yesterday, and lying to Austin, the fight or whatever it was that I saw this morning. Apparently today must just be a perfect day for ranting.

Aliya just sits on the countertop and listens, often making diverse facial expressions and concerned looks. By the time I'm done I'm certain she's caused permanent wrinkles in between her eyebrows from furrowing them.

"Well that's a lot." She says as the bell rings loudly through the school. " I better get to Government"

"And I need to go to Psychology....with Garrett" I sigh, remembering our project and whatever that will bring. I walk soberly out of the bathroom, my feet heavy dreading my next class.

When I walk into class all the seats are taken, except for of course the one next to Garrett. As I walk closer I realized it's empty because it's been saved, Garretts backpack sitting on the seat I usually occupy.


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