The Beach

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"Hurry up Maya!" I yell up the stairs. She's still in my bedroom and Ive been waiting down here for 15 minutes already. The guy she met last night is a senior and she is way more excited about it today than I would think was normal.

I'm wearing a sage green bikini with high waisted thong bottoms and a criss cross designed top with an embroidered sheer white swimsuit cover over it. Maya finally comes down the stairs a couple minutes later in a simple lavender bikini with a triangle top and a white knit swimsuit cover.

"Sorry, you know how I get when it comes to boys, and Wyatt is so handsome!" She says slipping on her strappy white sandals.

"Wait what!?" I stare at her, first that house, don't think I've forgotten about that by the way. I barely sleep at night, if I get any sleep at all. It's all I've been think about for the past couple days. I haven't had a current day dream since that day in the shower because I haven't slept! I'm barely making it through the day I have no energy. "Did you just say his name was Wyatt?"

Before I could hear her answer the room started to go dark before blacking out completely. Wyatt must be a trigger thought.

"Wyatt hurry up!" He's been in my bathroom for 20 minutes, it's a good thing we're leaving the house so I don't have to be here while that airs out.

"Bro give me a second, I'm washing my hands!"

"Coach is gonna be mad if we're late to practice again! And you know he's already mad at me, I've been playing terrible this season." I'm surprised Coach is even keeping me playing, I've thrown three games in a row. With Dad's passing I just haven't had as much ambition for football, I always did it for him in a way, to make him proud. Now without him here it feels like there's no reason to keep playing.

Mayas face comes back into view. Shes walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders.
"Do you have some sort of aversion to dudes named Wyatt?"

"No Maya, that's the name of Garretts best friend!" I say, waiting for her to become as shocked as I am but she never does. "Is he a football boy too!"

"Look Lily, you know I love you, but I'm worried youre starting to get paranoid. Yes he plays football, but Garretts not real, it's just a coincidence"

"But Maya! First the house now..." I go to say more but she cuts me off placing a finger to my lips.

"No more talk about this, we're going to the beach, we're gonna relax, hang out with hot boys and get drunk ok?"

"Okay, Austin said he'd pick us up so he'll be here in a little bit." I say conceding. I'm not going to let it go, and I definitely won't be forgetting about it. But Maya might be right, maybe I am just a little paranoid.

I hear Austin's horn honk before hurrying out the door with Maya right behind me. He has a crisp white Tesla model Y

"I hope it's fine that Mayas coming," I say hopping into passenger, before she gets in the back seat.

"Oh of course, I just want you to have fun!" Austin says, beaming at me.

He reaches over and turns the radio on, connecting his phone through Bluetooth and starting his playlist.

The first song starts to play and I recognize it immediately. It's let's be friends by Sammy Rash

"Oh my gosh, this is one of my favorites!" Already grinning as I sing along to the words.

"Really? He's not a very known artist." Austin's says almost shocked I know the song. "It's one of my favorites too."


We pulled up to the beach. The rest of the car ride had been me and Austin singing along loudly to his playlist, which is great by the way, and Maya sitting in the back texting Wyatt. As soon as we went to get out of the car I felt a rush of anxiety flood over me, I had forgotten my worry when distracted by the music but now it's coming back full force.

Austin must've seen my nervousness on my face because he leaned in and whispered, "Don't worry, everyone is going to love you." He smiles at me when leaning back away before saying, "It didn't take me too long," sending me a wink.

He grabbed my bag from me and carried it down to the beach along with a pack of beers in a cooler.

"Hey guys! Id like you to meet Lily," Austin says and begins introducing me to people. I start to lose track of all the names as he rattles them off and they wave or call out "Hi" to me...Zach, Greyson, Alex, Ciara, Kylie... And so many more.

"Hey where's Wyatt and his boys?" Austin asks Zach while giving him some weird handshake, bro hug thing.

"Oh he said hed be late, should be here in about an hour or so" Zach replied before turning back around and finishing setting up the Volleyball net.

"You down for a game Lily?" Austin points to the volleyball net before I nod my head and he drags me over to the draw out court in the sand.

I'm on a team with Austin, Zach some other boys I don't know, and this absolutely stunning girl Aliya. She's a tall latina with beautiful long dark hair and stunningly dark brown eyes.

We played a few games tournament style, best three out of five, with the same two teams. We had each won two games and the score was standing at 24/24 it was basically a sudden death round. The other team had the serve so we had to get it back in order to win.

Greyson overhand served, launching the ball over the net. Aliya set it and Austin spiked it down on the other side but one of the boys on the other team dove and got the ball back up.

A loud car of boys pulled into the parking lot, they were in a jacked up black Jeep wrangler. As they got out of the car I felt my jaw unhinge as it dropped the lowest it's ever been. My eyes nearly bulged out of my head as I stood in utter shock. But before I could compose myself the volleyball came back over to our side of the net hitting me square in the face and everything went dark.

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