Kate's Diner

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"Hey Lils" Austin says from behind me while I pull books out of my locker. "Did you and Aliya finish your project yet?"

I turn around to face him and find him much closer then I'd originally thought. He must have been looking over my shoulder because he too looked startled by the proximity.

"Oh, um, well, ya we did" I manage to stutter out the sentence before Austin shakes off the moment and backs up.

"I actually need to go talk to Aliya and make sure she printed it out at her house, so I'll see you later." I smile at him before turning on my heels and walking towards the other end of the senior lockers.

You- Girl where r u?

Aliya- The bathroom by the lab

I place my phone back in my pocket as I make my way to the bathroom.

I swing open the door and waltz up to Aliya who is putting lip gloss on in the mirror.

"Girl how am I supposed to act around Austin now," I say as I boost myself to sit on the counter, "like do I just be friendly or should I be flirty?"

"Lily you definitely already know my stance on that, I'm all here for you and Austin."

"So flirty?" I sigh, on one hand im starting to really enjoy hanging with Austin, but I'm worried I'll lose a good friend really fast if I try to be something with him.

"Absolutely," Aliya says popping her lips and sticking the lipgloss in her backpack."Now let's get to Math before Mr. Drutton closes the door, I'm pretty sure he hates us all."

"Where'd you wanna sit?" I asked Aliya after we got our trays of food in the cafeteria looking around the room for an open table.

"Oh let's go sit by Garrett and Wyatt." She says pointing towards a table near the back,"I'm sure that's where Austin will end up too."

Ive been avoiding Garrett at all costs. If he's at his locker I'll wait to go to mine. I sit as far away from him in classroom when it's at all possible. So sitting by him at lunch would be completely counter productive.

"Ya sure, why not," yet here I am saying yes anyway.

We walk over to the table and I can hear his familiar laugh float through the air. As we approach the boys both quiet down a little and turn to face us.

"Got room for me and Lily boys?" Aliya asks already sitting down before receiving an answer.

"Ya, go ahead and sit," Wyatt says chuckling at her.

Sitting down next to Aliya I attempt to just focus my energy on eating, hoping to dodge any uncomfortable conversation.

"You guys got your project for English done yet?" Wyatt asks directing the question towards me and Aliya.

I wait for a moment for Aliya to answer but her mouths full. Wyatt still looking at me expectantly.

"Ya, ya we did?" I finally say after a way to long pause, "What about you?"

"Procrastinating" it's Garrett who answers this time and I can feel every hair on my body stick straight. His voice alone causes shivers. I finally turn to meet his eyes and immediately regret it.

It's like I can see through them, all his pain, all his sadness, all the things he masks as soon as he steps out of his bedroom. I can see the green swirls in his blue eyes brighter now then I ever could through the darkened mirror.

"Hey guys" Austin says before plopping his tray and himself right down beside me, pulling me from my trance and back to the loud cafeteria.

The rest of lunch went by smoothly. It was mainly a slew of different ice breaker questions about myself. Seeing as the other four have known each other for all of high school. But still I couldn't shake the sinking feeling that I was losing Garrett, when I have never truly been in his life.

It's hard to think about how I know so much of him, and he doesn't know me at all. To me he's been a huge part of my life for a great time, but to him I have never been a part of his.


"Lily! What did I say about avoiding him?" Maya yells through the phone.

"It's not like I wasn't trying" I respond throwing myself onto my bed, "but I'm starting to think being friends with him wouldn't be such a bad idea."

The silence that falls on the other side of the line already speaks volumes. After a moment she breaks the silence having dropped her voice to a much softer tone

"Look, you know I love you girl" Maya breathes out deeply and starts again, "I personally don't think it'll be good for you, but if that's what you want go for it, but please be careful. You have no idea what could happen if you get close to him in real life."

"Thanks for your input Maya," I say now only more conflicted then I had been before the call, "I better get going, I've got homework."

"Love you Lils."

"Love you."

I start on some of our math homework but before too long my phone dings with a notification.

Aliya- Me and some of the senior class are going to Kate's Diner tonight at 7. You down?

You- Ya sure, sounds great.

Aliya- I'll be over at 6:30 and we can leave from your house.

You- Awesome 😊

"18!" The boys all shout, Austin is currently shoving fry's in his mouth and theyre all counting for him.

"Dude you totally beat your record!" This guy on the football team shouts at Austin, I learned his name is Alec.

Austin throws his hands up in the air and mumbles inaudibly before picking up another fry and trying to find more space in his mouth for it.

"Hey Aliya I'm gonna go get some air" I say standing up from the booth "I'll be back in just a moment"

"Ya mmhhmm" she replies all too invested in the amount of potatoes Austin's consuming.

I make my way outside and lean my back against the brick wall near the corner of the diner. Closing my eyes I take some deep breaths. I love people and I quite enjoy having more of a social life here then I ever did back in L.A. but it's definitely more then I've ever dealt with before. It's definitely going to take some getting used to, I never before had considered myself an introvert but I'm starting to think I might have some tendencies

Bringing me out of my own mind I hear the front door open and the little bell thats placed inside on the ceiling ring. But what really startles me is the voice ive heard so many times before.f

"Hey you go ahead Wyatt I forgot something in the car" Garrett says before turning around and walking back to Wyatt's jeep.

I watch his every move, analyzing it. He looks exactly the same. The way he shoves his hands in his pockets as he walks. Or the silver chain that's always hanging around his neck. It's weird to see him in this perspective, an outsider's. I had always seen him through his own eyes or through the lens of someone close to him, but it seems like I won't ever again.

After reaching into the jeep and pulling his phone out of the cup holder he shoves it in his pocket and begins his way back now. I turn my attention away from him, not wanting to get caught staring, or for him to notice I'm out here.

I hear the door begin to open but before it can hit the bell it closes once again. I keep my eyes fixed on the parking lot in front of me still trying not to draw attention to myself. The effort was all in vain though, because not too long after Garrett was next to me leaning himself against the brick wall as well.

We stood silent for a long time, I wondered why he'd even walked over here. But as I pondered going back inside now, he turned to me, staring at my profile and finally broke the comfortable silence we'd been in.

"Look, I know this is gonna sound crazy," he stops and looks down once more like he's really contemplating what he's going to say next. The silence returning for just a moment before he meets my eyes again "I just...I feel like I know you Lily"

Thanks for reading!
I tried to make this chapter a little longer, hope you enjoyed it!

What do you think of me writing a chapter from Garretts POV!?

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