Beer pong

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After carefully cleaning the cut I put on some butterfly suture strips, my mom always keeps in case of things like this, and tried my best to conceal it with makeup without getting stuff inside the wound.

What a great way to start off the school year, going to a party with a gash in your forehead. As I looked back in the mirror I couldn't help but see the resemblance of Garretts cut in the reflection of my own. My flashback had been to the night of my 14th birthday, I remember because my first memory had been his practice that day and the conversation with his Dad on the way home. I had my party that night and I got that first flashback probably around the same time that picture frame had fallen on Garrett.

I cant help but wonder if maybe they're linked, his head injury to my first flashback. Although I still don't know how that makes any sense, not like any of this really does anyway.

I heard Aliya's horn honk once again signaling her impatience. She texted me a couple minutes ago announcing her arrival and had already honked once.

I quickly picked up my white cardigan before shoving my phone in my pocket and waltzing out the door to Aliya's car.


"I think its about time I face Lily in some beer pong" Wyatt announces putting his arm around my shoulder and looking down waiting for my reply, " I've heard your quite the champ, and nobody gets to take that throne from me."

"Sounds like its about to get embarrassing for you," I smirk back, if there's one thing I know how to do, its get a guy riled up, "Austin come be on my team."

"Lets do this then, Garrett my team, were about to show Lily here how us Castlemont boys play beer pong."

" I've seen some Castlemont boys play beer pong, and I have to say I was not impressed," I retort right back at Wyatt, seeing him get even more riled up for the game.

After about half an hour of repeating a made up story about how I got my cut things finally started to get fun. I couldn't help staring at the scar left above Garretts eyebrow, still contemplating the resemblance in my own cut. But now being able to focus on a game I tend to enjoy I should be able to forget about it for the time being.

"Oh Wyatt you better drink up boy, you're getting schooled!" Austin yelled, he was on one side of the table with me, Wyatt and Garrett on the opposite side.

"Oh shut up, we're just getting started" Wyatt's obviously not ready to just hand me over the throne. Which is entirely fine, I find it much more satisfying being able to take it. And so far it wasn't look like a very big task.

I threw the ball watching it bounce across the table barely missing the cup I was aiming for. Wyatt did a little dance of joy, most likely due the buzz he was now feeling after downing 4 cups of beer and whatever else he'd had before we made our way to this table.

Wyatt picked up the ping pong ball, lifting it up to aim it before sending it flying across the table, going right over the cups and directly at me. I went to dodge out of reflex, not that the ping pong ball would hurt, but tripped over my own foot and went stumbling backwards. Austin reached for me, encircling his hands around my waist and pulling me close to him to stop me from falling to the floor. He held me in that position for a moment, looking me in the eyes before pulling my face closer to his. His lips just inches from my own.

My curiosity got the better of me and I decided to test my own theory putting my lips on his I began moving in sync with him. He stood me up so I was no longer bending backwards and pulled my hips tighter to his own, and deepening the kiss from the new angle. Once again darkness came next.

Are they actually doing this right now? First she waltzes in looking stunning even with that cut on her forehead, which looks oddly like the scar on mine, and now Wyatt's dragged me into this beer pong game only to watch her make out with Austin.

I roll my eyes as Wyatt begins cheering them on, totally forgetting about the game or the throne he so proudly self proclaimed.

At this point she's just standing there looking at him blanked faced, you think shed at least be smiling or something. If it was me who kissed her I'd definitely be leaving a smile on her face.

I snapped back to reality turning to face Garrett only to see him already watching me. I brush Austin off of me smiling sweetly at him and once again turning back to look at Garrett.

Seeing myself through his eyes was so uncomfortable, why was my hand like that, I looked like I was trying to find something behind Austin's back swinging it around like that. Although I wasn't even conscious so I should probably cut myself some slack. Also if it was him kissing me? Sir what? I need to get out of here right now.

"Umm I'm going to go find Aliya, I'm not feeling very good." I say out of nowhere and way louder than necessary, before scurrying out of the dining room. I could hear Austin call out from behind me to text him when I got home.

I see her on the couch in the living room chatting to Alec. Honestly I ship it, they'd make cute babies. But back to the getting out of here part.

"Hate to halt your game Alec, but I need this girl, she'll text you later." I don't wait for a reply before I rip Aliya from the couch, my grip firmly on her arm.

"What the hell Lily, he was so just about to ask me on a date!" Aliya yelled at me once we were out of the front door.

"I am very happy for you, I'm sure he can do it another time. But we need to leave, ill fill you in on the way to my house."


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Austin or Garrett?!

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