Minho imagine for lttlebow

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"Ugh... I'm bored..." I complained to Newt and Minho, dangling upside down from a branch of a tree. They chuckled.
"Emma, you're always bored." Minho laughed.
"We could play truth or dare?" Newt asked. Gally walked up, rolling his eyes.
"No because, A. We always play that, and B. You're going to pick truth the whole time." He laughed. Everyone else joined in, making Newt blush.
"We should play spin the bottle." Minho smirked. I fell off the tree, laughing until I got cramps.
"You'd risk kissing boys, just for fun?" I laughed. He smirked.
"Why not? We'd get a chance of kissing your pretty face." Thomas pointed out, walking up to us. I rolled my eyes.
You would think Thomas is the nicest, but he's really a big douche bag. Gally, is even nicer than him!
"Fine. Let's play." I caved. The boys cheered and ran towards the map room, but sat in front of it instead.
We grabbed a glass bottle from the map room and set it in the middle of our circle.
"I'll go first." Thomas smirked.
"I hope I get you, babe." He added. My stomach hurt.
... What if he did get me?...
He looked at the bottle and spun it full force.

It landed on Gally.
I burst out laughing, Newt and Minho followed my lead.
Thomas and Gally leaned toward each other and kissed. That made me laugh even harder. Gally stood up and ran off, probably going to puke.
"I'll go now." I told them. When I spun it, it landed on Newt. I smiled, but I was a little bit disappointed.
I had a crush on Minho since a couple days after I got into the Glade. I gave Newt a little peck on the lips before Minho got up and stormed off into the map room.
I quickly got up and followed him.
"Minho! What's wrong? Why are you mad?" I asked wondering why he was mad at me.
"I not mad! I'm just..." He yelled, trailing off.
"You're just mad, why?" I pushed, probably being a little annoying, but I didn't care.
"Because.. Because..." He stuttered.
"Because why!?" I finally yelled.
"Because I like you!" He screamed. Everything went silent. All you could hear was our breathing. I slowly walked up to him, and grabbed his face in my hands, pulling him towards me.
I kissed him. (If you want to see a descriptive version on how they kissed there's an episode of F.r.i.e.n.d.s where Rachel kissed Ross after they watch their old prom video...)
Sparks flew everywhere like a festival on the 4th of July (an American holiday with a TON of fireworks).
When I pulled our faces apart he gave me a small smile.
"I knew that I'd have you one day. That I'd make you mine. You're mine now, princess. And you'll never escape my castle." He said pulling me close to his body.
"What if I never wanted to leave?" I asked, being rhetorical. He smiled at me, and spun me around. I giggled and realized that for the first time in this place of Hell,

I was happy.

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