Imagine for Luke_belongstome

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Gally never showed his soft side, so it was a surprise to me when he asked me to date him.

At first I was speechless but then I realized how special I must've been because like I said before, Gally never shows that side of him.

Since the day he asked me out he's treated me very specially, but after a week or so, that began to fade.

I don't know if he's not as attracted to me now, because we have been dating for over three months, or if he's just closing up again.

"Hello, boyfriend!" I laughed as I hugged Gally from behind.

"Hey babe." I smiled, going back to work. I frowned.

"So. What are you working on?" I asked him. He put down his tool and turned around, facing me.

"I cannot tell you that yet." He said, poking my nose and smiling at me. I pouted.

"Why not?" I wondered, letting go of my grip on his body.

"Because I can't. I'll show you when it's finished." He smiled. I rolled my eyes, but smiled, nodding my head.

"Fine." I complained. He chuckled and I waved good bye before walking out of his work area.

I walked to the kitchen where Frypan gave me a little extra food. A couple slices of bread and half an apple. It isn't much, but it's worth it.

About an hour later, it was dinner time. Everyone arrived in the kitchen area except Gally.

"Hey guys? Have you seen Gally?" I asked Thomas, Minho, and Newt. They shook their heads.

"Not since this morning." Newt replied. I nodded and stood up, running over to where Gally was working.

"Hey babe. It's time for dinner." I called. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Thanks, but I'm not really hungry. And I have to get this done." He told me.

"Are you sure?" I asked, frowning. I didn't want Gally to get hurt from not eating.

"Yah... I'm sure." He replied, obviously annoyed.

"Ok..." I stated, trudging back over to the dining hall. When I entered, I sat down.

"You ok?" Thomas asked, nudging my arm.

"Yah. I'm ok." I smiled, nudging his arm back, making him laugh. My smile soon faded and I played with my food, not eating any.

"Hey. You guys can have mine. I'm not that hungry." I told the boys, pushing my plate towards them. I stood up and walked out of the dining hall, heading back to my room.

On my way back I heard some footsteps behind me. I didn't think much of it until I heard the person call my name.

"Hala!" I heard Gally call, using his nickname for me. I turned around.

"Yes?" I asked. I wasn't mad at Gally at all, but I was disappointed. Not because he was rude or a bad boyfriend, but I just thought that maybe he would start to open up to me.

"You seemed upset that I didn't come to dinner, but it was because I was working on something special... For you." He told me. By now, all of the gladers were within earshot of us.

"What is it?" I asked, intrigued.

"Can we, um... Go somewhere else?" He asked. I shook my head.

"You're going to be stubborn about this aren't you?" He asked me. I shrugged and nodded. He sighed, clearing his throat.

"Ok. Well, lately... I haven't been a proper boyfriend, and I haven't been spending enough time with you. And for that I'm sorry, and this is to make it up to you... You told me that when you were a runner and got stung by the Griever, you had images of a boat. I thought it must've been of importance, so I made it for you." He said, blushing as he handed you the wooden ship.

It was a small sailboat, not even a foot long, but it was beautiful. I smiled, throwing myself into his arms.

"Thank you. I love it." I told him. He smiled, hugging me back.

"Anything for my girl." He replied.

"Aw! You guys are so cute!" We heard in the distance. We looked over and saw Minho standing with Thomas. Thomas was laughing and Minho looked fed up.

"What!? Somebody has to point out how cute they are!" He sassed making everyone laugh.

The perfect end to the perfect day.

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