You beat him at his own game

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"And Newt wins again!" You hear Alby shout for the 10th time in 5 minutes. You decide to go see what's up.

"Come on! Who else wants to try?" You hear Newt ask.

"I do." You say once you realize that they're arm wrestling. The boys begin to laugh, but you ignore them and take a seat.

"I'm won't go easy on you." Newt says looking into your eyes with a smirk plastered onto his perfect fac- wait what? I DONT like Newt. You smirk even bigger than him.

"Didn't want you to." You say, "best 2 out of 3. Looser has to....... Do winners chores for the next week, and kiss them. Winner gets bragging rights." A lot of 'ooo's go around when you say the kissing part. You didn't even know what you were saying! It slipped out!

"Deal." Newt says shaking your hand. You easily beat him. He stares at you with disbelieve as do the other boys.

"Come on looser. I'm taking you somewhere." You say as you grab Newt by the shoulder strap he always wears for his knife. He gets up and follows you. Once you get to your secret place in the woods you turn to him,

"Just kiss me already."

And when he does, it's like magic.


Thomas makes bets..... A lot.

And when he does, it's with this game he likes to play, where you throw a rock and whoever gets it further wins.

He always wins. Just you would beat him today. You practiced every night after everyone went to bed.

"I'll go against you." You say to him. He smiles.

"Ok babe. But just don't get butt hurt when I beat you." He says. Even though Thomas is your best friend, he can be a real douche sometimes.

He chucks his rock. It gets to 60 feet away from you. He smirks,

"Your turn."

You pick up a rock and toss it up and down a few times. Then you throw it.

It reached 100 feet away.

"It's ok Tommy. Don't get butt hurt." And with that, you strutted away.


"3, 2, 1... Go!" And with that you took off. You and Minho were racing. You had to run around the glade once and then get across the finish line.

He was beating you by a foot.

'Come on Y/N you can do this', you say to yourself. You start sprinting, and soon you crossed the finish line.

"Where's Minho?" And that's when you saw him 20 feet away from you sprinting with all of his might.

"I beat her!" He yelled.

"Um.. Minho?" You asked.

"Y/N? When did you get here?"

"Like 5 minutes ago."

"But I just got here....?" He said. All you could do was laugh.


You were working on a strategy. It all clicked when Alby said go.

You dove under Gally's legs and stood up behind him and elbowed him in the back so he fell over. He grabbed your ankle and you fell.

He pinned you down, so to distract him, you kissed him. You flipped you guys over so he was on the bottom and you pinned him down. You unhooked your lips,

"I win." You stood up and winked at him before walking away.

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