Newt Imagine

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You were standing in a room, shocked about what had just happened.

You had all found out who was immune to the Flare, and you were not. But what was worse, was that Newt wasn't either.

You felt someone watching you, so you picked your head up and turned around.

It was Newt.

"Hey." You said smiling at him, trying to not only make him feel better, but also yourself.

"Hey." He said walking towards you.

"And we thought we were done." You say, trying to crack a joke but you didn't have the effort to try to smile. But he did. He always smiled. He was always happy.

"We're going to find a cure. And we're going to get out of here." He said. You smiled at the thought.

You were thinking about how you could spend your life together when you remembered-

"How did Brenda take it?" You asked him. Him and Brenda started hitting it off the day they met, and it made you angry.

"It didn't seem like it bothered her." He sighed.

"Well, she's probably just hiding it." You say sitting down. He runs his fingers through his hair, and shakes his head.

"I would seriously doubt it." You both chuckled.

"Is this how it's going to end?" You wonder out loud. Newt looks at you. "I mean, we're sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves while our friends are trying to save us. We should be trying to get the cure more than anyone. And I'm going to die full of secrets..."

"You're right. We can't just sit here, we'll have to fight our own battles."

You both get up and start to walk out of the room. He suddenly stops. You look at him,

"Wait. Y/N did you say you would die full of secrets?" He asked.

"Yep." You popped the 'p'.

"What about?" He wondered. You stopped this time.

".... Love." You said. He nodded and started to walk again.

When you got to the room, there was no one there. You both found a note on the table.

'Went out to find cure. Don't leave the burg. Ok? Ok.'

I sighed as I read the letter out loud.

"Whatever." Newt sassed.

For the next two days you guys did nothing but get crankier. And crankier. And crankier.

"Pass the salt." You said to Newt.

"Pass the salt what?" He asked.

"Pass the damn salt before I use it to crush your head!" You yelled getting frustrated.

"Have the damn salt then!" He yelled and threw the salt.

"You spilled the salt! That's bad luck shit head!" You yelled.

"Yah right, bitch! Nothing can be worse than this!" He shouted.

"You're right. I'm sorry." You said, sitting down putting your head in your hands.

"No, no I am. Let's just try not to kill each other." He said. I nodded.

I heard a latch and some shouts. We didn't know who it was so we started running.

Along the way, with his limp Newt tripped and fell.

"Newt!" You yelled, running back to him.

"No! Go! They'll get you too!" He said.

"I love you." You whispered and kissed his forehead.

You got up and started running. You kept hearing the shouts getting closer.

You ran into a room you've never seen before and locked it. You slid down the door and broke into tears.

"Y/N! Let me in!" It was Minho. You stood up and unlocked the door.

"We thought you were shucking WICKED!" I yelled. He laughed.

"Nope, even better! We got the cure!" He said. You smiled brightly,

"So Newt and I can be cured." You smiled. Minho frowned.

"Actually, there's only enough for one of you to live." You nodded.

"Newt can live. I'm not as important anyways. It's ok." You said. You weren't that hurt, but it still hurt.

"Yah. Ok, totally." Minho said. He hugged you.

You felt a little prick in your back.

"Minho...? What was that?" You asked.

"Newts death wish is for you to be cured." He said. Your eyes widened.

"NEWT!" You screamed, then you heard the gunshot.

"NO!" You yelled and ran over to where his body laid. Your tears were blocking your vision.

"No. No Newt. Please. I love you. Please. You were suppose to be happy. I would've died and you would've been with Brenda and all your friends. Please. Please." You say crying.

You lean down to kiss his forehead, and when you make it there, you here something.

A gasp.

A cough.

A groan.



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