Gally Imagine for Im5athogwarts24601

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"Tara!" I hear my boyfriend yell to me.
"Yes slinthead?" I ask not even looking up from my work.
You see we got into a fight because he was pissing me off by calling my work a pile of klunk.
"Are seriously still mad at me?" He shook my shoulder. I turned around.
"Why don't you ask my pile of klunk?"
He looked down, embarrassed.
"Tara. Are you really gonna be like that?"
"Like what!?" I yelled, slamming my hammer down.
"Like this!"
"Well it's not my fault that you-" He cut me off by kissing me.
"You're so hot when you yell."
"I've got to get to work." I say laughing, and pushing him off of me.

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