Imagine for Emmalee_K16

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"Heyyyy Newt!" I winked at Newt as he was picking grapes off of the vine.

"Heyyyy Emma." He mocked, laughing at my lame attempt to flirt.

"So." I said.

"So?" He asked.

"So," I said again, "I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner at the tree house tonight?"

"Uh, sure!" He exclaimed.

"Yay!" I laughed skipping away. "See you at 6!" He laughed, too.

******* at 6********

"I thought you'd never show up." I said, leaning against the tree I was waiting by, for Newt.

"I told you I was going to, ya know." He said.

"I know shuck face. Now let's get going." I said.

I picked up the picnic basket that held our food, then I grabbed Newts hand. His face got red from his neck to his hair. I laughed at him, and it only made him a brighter shade of red.

We finally made it to the tree.

"This is it." I said, dropping his hand. I started climbing up the tree, with him right behind me.

I opened the door and screamed,


Newt and I had just walked in on Thomas and Teresa's make-out session.

They both got red.

"Out!" Thomas yelled.

"Don't have to tell us twice!" I yelled, taking Newts hand again and pulled him out.

Once we reached the ground we started laughing our asses off.

"That was too bloody funny!" Newt laughed. I couldn't breath. I was bent over, wheezing, crying, and getting abs, basically.

I stood up when I was finally able to breath and I looked over at Newt.

His chocolate brown eyes were looking into mine.

I leaned in, and so did he.

"I love you." We said at the same time.

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