You Embarrass Him

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Thomas- It was Thomas' birthday (yah I know they can't remember just pretend. K? K.) and you wanted to surprise him. You got a bunch of his favorite foods and put them together. He was confused as to why you sent him to go do your chores ON HIS BIRTHDAY. Well you got the whole glade together and hid in his room. You heard the doorknob wiggle and he walked in, turning the lights on. You all jumped up and yelled "surprise!" He got startled and slipped and fell into his cake. He was even more embarrassed that you laughed and scooped some frosting off his face.
Newt- he was working in the garden as were you when everyone started to have a mud war. He was trying to show how "high and mighty" he was when he punched the kid behind him on accident, turned around to see who he hit so fast he got whiplash, and also slipped and fell. Let's just say he wouldn't talk to anyone for a while.
Minho- you were playing truth or dare with the glader's but some of them were still running. That included Minho. You picked dare and so when the runners came back you had to pants one of them.
You stood by the wall and waited until the first runner came back. It was Minho. You ran behind him, sprinting even, when you pants him to flash his nice pink underwear, which he gladly tripped on.
It was so funny that you were curled up in a ball on the ground laugh-crying.
Gally- you were taking the newbie on a trip around the glade with Newt and Alby since Gally had disappeared. You walked up to the homestead when you heard music. And singing.
You snuck up to the door that had it and opened it slightly. You saw Gally. Standing there in his underwear. Dancing and singing,
"Do what you want, what you want with my body. Do what you want, don't stop this party."
You must've stood there for a minute or two before he saw you.
"Run!" You yelled. You all ran for it, Gally pretty far behind because he had to put on his pants and shirt. Glader's were staring at you guys oddly. You all climbed up the big tower thing and you started singing "do what you want" over, and over again. Gally didn't come out of his room for days.

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